March 12, 2011

Close But NO Cigar!

So I didn't make it to the 140's this week but you cannot really get any closer than that! Ha!

Last Week: 150.9
This Week: 150.0
Wk 11 Loss: -0.9
Total Loss: 5 lbs (35.4 lbs overall!!)

This was also a very big week for me running wise! I chickened out last week running at 6mph on the treadmill, but this week I got out of my head and went for it. As I was got to a 1/2 mile, I was still feeling pretty good so I decided to keep running at 6mph. I wanted to make it a mile! So I pushed myself (which got a bit harder after 7 minutes!) and did it! I ran at 6mph for one whole mile! I cannot believe it! I ran a TEN MINUTE mile! It was one of my running goals for 2011 and I am pretty darn proud of myself for reaching it!!


NHGirl said...

Go Pam!! :)

Nadine said...

whooo hoooo! You're doing great!