March 16, 2011

Under Agreement!

Last week we headed north in search of our dream home. On our first trip up (Saturday, March 5th) we saw some really nice houses but none of them felt like "the one" to us, I wanted to feel like I was at "home". We decided that maybe it would be worth a second trip up north, as there was one particular listing we had not seen that we saw online, and our Realtor had mentioned a couple other listings that he could try to get us in, so we planned to go back on Thursday, March 10th.

On Monday we received an email from our Realtor, apparently he started to look at some old expired listings to see if any of them would be listing their properties again. He attached an old listing sheet for a house over in another part of town that we hadn't really thought about looking in before. We drove up on Thursday morning and started our tour. We were going to be seeing another 6 houses, plus we were going for a second look at our top choice from Saturday. Already after seeing the first three houses we knew we were going to have a better day. We were a little discouraged after that first day about not finding "the one". Now we had already seen a few that would be perfect!

We got to the second to last house late afternoon and when we pulled up to the driveway, even with the property buried in about 8 inches of snow still, I was in love! It probably helped that I had seen the exterior picture from the old listing that was obviously taken in spring/summer, which showcased the house even more! Since the house wasn't even listed, and currently being rented, the owners had a friend of theirs give us the tour. It was even better than I could have expected. It definitely gave me the warm fuzzy feeling I was hoping for! So we got home looked at all the pictures from our tours, talked and talked it over, looked at all our pictures and decided that we wanted send them an offer. The next day they sent us a counter. We had already discussed our options if that were to happen and after talking it over with our Realtor we sent them back a FINAL offer. They accepted, but it wasn't until today, 4 DAYS LATER, that we finally got the singed contract back and officially became that much closer to our new home!

The exterior from the old listing in spring

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