July 31, 2005
The Princess Bride and Princess Sophia:
Take Springfield by storm. Rumor has it that two hot girls were spotted last night at the Atlas Pub. We cannot confirm or deny that these two hotties rocked the house singing Karaoke last night. It has been speculated that the Man in Black and the Doc are a bunch of sticks in the mud and therefore these girls had some pent up wicked hahd core pahtying to do.
July 29, 2005
Princess Sophia's Great Adventure:
So tonight after work I will venture north to Springfield, MA. I have only driven this route once myself but I followed the Doc in the U-Haul. There is just one tricky spot before you get to the Tapen Zee Bridge. Estimated trip time = 4-1/2 hours. Got my CD's, my handsfree cellphone earpiece and will get my Dunkin Donut's iced coffee beforehand so I am all set.
See you all Sunday night!
See you all Sunday night!
July 28, 2005
Ginas Rule:
So CR and Princess Sohpia (aka the "Ginas") kicked SD and the Doc's sorry asses at mini golf last saturday night! We found a random place in Glenside, PA (a hop skip and a jump through the Ghetto and your there) and for a hole in the wall mini golf course we felt like we were playing at Tiger Woods Mini Golf Camp. However yours truly sunk three hole in ones thus clinching victory! Hooray Ginas! Too bad suckahs!
July 26, 2005
Weekly Santorum Rant:
Rick Santorum was on the Daily Show last night and he is just about the biggest pantywaist ever!!!!! Here are the things I learned from Ricky Boy:
(1) Only a man and a woman can raise a child and that is what our government should be striving for.
(2) Racism is bad but Victoria Sercret ad's are worse.
(3) If you're not conservative then you're not "ideal"
And you all wonder why I can't stand this man.....
(1) Only a man and a woman can raise a child and that is what our government should be striving for.
(2) Racism is bad but Victoria Sercret ad's are worse.
(3) If you're not conservative then you're not "ideal"
And you all wonder why I can't stand this man.....
So Hot, So Humid, So Yucky:

July 21, 2005
New and Improved:
Have you seen the Daily Show recently. It has been revamped. I like it! It is more like a news show now. I think it is important because he is the only one that seems to get the news right. I like is commentary and how he get's us young people into the news. I encourage you all to watch - since it is on way past my bedtime I watch it at 8:00pm then next evening. But if you can stay up it airs at 11:00pm.
Exclamation Point!
So anyone who reads this blog knows my love and usage of the exclamation point! Well it has since gotten me in trouble at work. Not serious trouble - but I think the wonderful people in Member Services think I am a whack job be-atch!!!!!!!!!!!
Upon sending them 'reminder' emails - which I am sure they 'love' getting from us finance people - I used exclamation points at the end of my statements. Well I got back a message from one particular member service representative and it was in ALL CAPS. Which in text and email can be taken as ANGER!!!!!! ARGHHH!!!!!
Well according to my fellow co-workers - Philadelphian's use exclamations points to show seriousness and attitude. Like 'please send a copy!' (which is what I wrote) to mean DO IT NOW!!!!!! When really I was just trying to be super friendly. I was told I was in the wrong city for that! So from now on - no more exclamation points....or according to a co-worker I can use it if put the word "rah" in front!!
Upon sending them 'reminder' emails - which I am sure they 'love' getting from us finance people - I used exclamation points at the end of my statements. Well I got back a message from one particular member service representative and it was in ALL CAPS. Which in text and email can be taken as ANGER!!!!!! ARGHHH!!!!!
Well according to my fellow co-workers - Philadelphian's use exclamations points to show seriousness and attitude. Like 'please send a copy!' (which is what I wrote) to mean DO IT NOW!!!!!! When really I was just trying to be super friendly. I was told I was in the wrong city for that! So from now on - no more exclamation points....or according to a co-worker I can use it if put the word "rah" in front!!
July 20, 2005
It's all about priorities:

We finally got our TV. It is a Toshiba 52" HD-Ready DLP Rear-Projection TV. Watching the Patriots on TV will be a dream this season and I will be able to do that with my new Direct TV NFL Sunday Ticket. Lifesize Adam Vinatieri - that's what I'm talkin' about!
July 19, 2005
Poor Johnny Damon:

July 17, 2005
You know:
A post from Brian's Blog about gas prices got me thinking...
When I was commuting to Endicott College back in 1998 - I remember when gas cost .83cents a gallon. Back then I was driving a 1989 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight with a v8 engine it cost me under 10.00 to fill my tank per week and I did it bare foot in 5 feet of snow uphill both ways....
Oh those were the days.
When I was commuting to Endicott College back in 1998 - I remember when gas cost .83cents a gallon. Back then I was driving a 1989 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight with a v8 engine it cost me under 10.00 to fill my tank per week and I did it bare foot in 5 feet of snow uphill both ways....
Oh those were the days.
July 16, 2005
You've got to know when to hold 'em:

Off to Atlatic City today with Benny and Robyn - I'm felling lucky got my quarters - then I will buy a powerball - and see all you suckah's on my new island estate in Fiji.
"Seduced" by a book?

July 13, 2005
I know what you're thinking:
She writes too much stuff about Rick "The Pantywaist" Santorum. I know. I am sorry for this - it must be so boring to read. But I have just moved to a new city and this whack-job is all over the news...So I cannot help it.
I am going to write about work: The Doc doesn't find my work stories funny. There the kind of stories where you have to be there - you know what I mean. But to me they are hilarious. I have one co-worker who likes to imitate the other people on my team - trust me it's hysterical.
So I LOVE my new job. The team is wicked awesome. We work hard but still get to joke around. My supervisor is wicked awesome (very laid back) and despite the fact he is a republican he is a cool guy. I am slightly overwhelmed because there is a lot to learn (it's different than the accounts payable at my last job) but not so much that I am stressed out. The view is unreal! And I now know the SEPTA system!
commute: Walk about three blocks to the corners of Dauphin and Memphis - take the bus to the Spring Garden El Station - take the El all the way to 15th & Market and walk to 19th (if I am feeling lazy or it's yucky weather I can pick up a free transfer to the trolley which takes me right in front of my building).
How to Speak Philadelphian: Water=Worter (that is about all I know for right now because that really sticks out). If I pick up anything from living here it will be that.
So there is an update - I am really exhausted - I have to get up much earlier now than I did working at M.J. Hayward because I don't live a mile down the road. (Oh they don't say road here either - I got laughed at when I said I walk three block up the road) I will adjust soon (hopefully)!! That's it for now - I am sure I will have another post about Rick Santorum again soon. Oh boy!
I am going to write about work: The Doc doesn't find my work stories funny. There the kind of stories where you have to be there - you know what I mean. But to me they are hilarious. I have one co-worker who likes to imitate the other people on my team - trust me it's hysterical.
So I LOVE my new job. The team is wicked awesome. We work hard but still get to joke around. My supervisor is wicked awesome (very laid back) and despite the fact he is a republican he is a cool guy. I am slightly overwhelmed because there is a lot to learn (it's different than the accounts payable at my last job) but not so much that I am stressed out. The view is unreal! And I now know the SEPTA system!
commute: Walk about three blocks to the corners of Dauphin and Memphis - take the bus to the Spring Garden El Station - take the El all the way to 15th & Market and walk to 19th (if I am feeling lazy or it's yucky weather I can pick up a free transfer to the trolley which takes me right in front of my building).
How to Speak Philadelphian: Water=Worter (that is about all I know for right now because that really sticks out). If I pick up anything from living here it will be that.
So there is an update - I am really exhausted - I have to get up much earlier now than I did working at M.J. Hayward because I don't live a mile down the road. (Oh they don't say road here either - I got laughed at when I said I walk three block up the road) I will adjust soon (hopefully)!! That's it for now - I am sure I will have another post about Rick Santorum again soon. Oh boy!
Rick Santorum for President?!
I just read the most disturbing article (all thanks to the Doc who keeps up on all our Boston news) about Rick Santorum. It's one thing to be pantywaist in general but it's another thing to be a pantywaist talking trash about my city.
According to Mr. Santorum - Boston's liberals caused the Catholic Priest's to touch little boys. 'In those comments, Santorum said, ''It is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political, and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm" of the clergy sexual abuse scandal.'
In another part of this article in today's Boston Globe there was mention of him being a potential candidate for President in 2008 if he wins re-election for senate...OH MY GOD. United States of Canada it is.
According to Mr. Santorum - Boston's liberals caused the Catholic Priest's to touch little boys. 'In those comments, Santorum said, ''It is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political, and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm" of the clergy sexual abuse scandal.'
In another part of this article in today's Boston Globe there was mention of him being a potential candidate for President in 2008 if he wins re-election for senate...OH MY GOD. United States of Canada it is.
July 9, 2005
My New Toy:

July 6, 2005
View from the Top

Here is my view from the 40th floor at 1901 Market Street. I started yesterday - I have a couple more days of training but I am getting the hang of it. I can't believe my view. It is fantastic. Unfortunately it has been pretty hazy and humid - I hear it is unbelievable on a clear day!
Rick Santorum Does it Again:

His new book, due out soon, talks about these issues and how they need to become public policy. Apparently going to public school will make you socially retarded according to Rick Santorum. Well I went to public school and I don't consider my self a social retard. In fact some people tell me I have a great personality.

"Conservatism and the Common Good" - those two words should never be put together on paper. This was the story on Action News when I turned on the television this am. How does this pantywaist get elected?
Here are some fun quotes from his book:
"The African proverb says, 'It takes a village to raise a child,"' Santorum writes. "The American version is 'It takes a village to raise a child _ if the village wants that child."'
_ ON AGE SEGREGATION IN SCHOOLS: "It's amazing that so many kids turn out to be fairly normal, considering the weird socialization they get in public schools."
_ ON WELFARE REFORM: "The notion that college education is a cost-effective way to help poor, low-skill unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GED's move up the economic ladder is just wrong."
Why is this wrong?? I just can't - I mean I just don't have any words. I am seriously in a state of disbelief that this guy (pictured above) is my new senator. How can someone be so ignorant and in public office. I wish I had some funny commentary this morning - there are just too many jokes but I have to get ready for my second day at my new job!
July 3, 2005
He's Watching You:

"Am I making people aware of it by discussing it openly and saying what a fraud psychiatry is?" Cruise asked on Access Hollywood in May. "You bet I am. I feel responsibility. Because I care, man. I care. I care about you. I care about your children. I care about these people here in this room, every one of you."
Isn't it so nice that he cares about us. I honestly think it is a little scary - now maybe I am wrong again but isn't a religion where you pay thousands of dollars to buy books and take classes about some weird guy's beliefs...hey now wait just a minute - I think he has the right idea....
Coming soon - Sophiatology: A New Beginning. For just $1000.00 you too can become a Sophiatolgist and we can help you with depression, anxiety, drug addictions, relationships and erectile dysfunction.
July 1, 2005
Sandra Day O'Connor Hates Me:
Sandra Day O'Connor annouced today that she would retire in October. I am in a state of disbelief right now. She was so important in many ways - Roe v. Wade for one. I just can't believe monkey boy gets to pick two supreme court justices. What is wrong with this world. I think I will move to Canada. Who's coming with me??!!
Monster In Laws...Arghhh!!

No seriously thought - they are great!! In fact I have to say as far as in-law's go - I won the in-law lottery. They are the best! I know people who are not as fortunate - post your funny in-law story if you have one!!
Pictures from the ABC show Dinosaurs
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