September 30, 2005
P. Sophie's Weekly Wrap-Up
Another week has come to an end as well as the greatest month in the year (yes because of my birthday). Here's my weekly wrap up:
(1) Bought I.A. a birthday present - his birthday is 10/5 in for those who don't already know - it will pretty much be the best gift he will get for his birthday in my opinion.
(2) Started going to the gym on my lunch hour - that way I don't have to get up as early and I can go straight home after work
(3) Found out that Michael Brown (the FEMA Guy) apparently thinks Louisiana is dysfunctional and he isn't Superman - well no duh, everyone knows Clark Kent is Superman.
(4) The Doc and I decided what color couch to buy and what color to paint our living room.
(5) The ICU rotation that The Doc is currently on right now is going to kick him in the ass - he already overslept this morning. Luckily I am weird and somehow sensed that he overslept and woke him up in time for him to brush his teeth, get dressed and run out the door. What a good little wifey I am!
(6) I am still a slob and - barely cleaned up my house like I thought I would last weekend - just enough to get the trash ready for pick up today - This weekend for sure!!
(7) It's official - I lost in Fantasy Baseball - there is no way I can catch up to win in the next three days - Looks like it will be Rob the Master.
(8) The Red Sox cause ulcers and stress me out - it's true - only the Red Sox would be so far ahead only to blow it and let the effin' Yankees come back so that it comes down to the very end - thus causing severe stomach cramping, nausea, tension headaches and acid reflux.
(9) My I-Pod is pissing me off - it won't stay charged - I'm about ready to through it out the window.
and finally
(10) It was a brisk 68 degrees in Philadelphia today - no clouds - sun shining - cool breeze - FALL IS HERE! I am just about the happiest person in the world right now!
So that's my week in a nutshell - hope you enjoyed my recap - here's to a fantastic weekend for everyone in blogger land! Go Pats! Who says you need Rodney Harrison to stop LT??!!
(1) Bought I.A. a birthday present - his birthday is 10/5 in for those who don't already know - it will pretty much be the best gift he will get for his birthday in my opinion.
(2) Started going to the gym on my lunch hour - that way I don't have to get up as early and I can go straight home after work
(3) Found out that Michael Brown (the FEMA Guy) apparently thinks Louisiana is dysfunctional and he isn't Superman - well no duh, everyone knows Clark Kent is Superman.
(4) The Doc and I decided what color couch to buy and what color to paint our living room.
(5) The ICU rotation that The Doc is currently on right now is going to kick him in the ass - he already overslept this morning. Luckily I am weird and somehow sensed that he overslept and woke him up in time for him to brush his teeth, get dressed and run out the door. What a good little wifey I am!
(6) I am still a slob and - barely cleaned up my house like I thought I would last weekend - just enough to get the trash ready for pick up today - This weekend for sure!!
(7) It's official - I lost in Fantasy Baseball - there is no way I can catch up to win in the next three days - Looks like it will be Rob the Master.
(8) The Red Sox cause ulcers and stress me out - it's true - only the Red Sox would be so far ahead only to blow it and let the effin' Yankees come back so that it comes down to the very end - thus causing severe stomach cramping, nausea, tension headaches and acid reflux.
(9) My I-Pod is pissing me off - it won't stay charged - I'm about ready to through it out the window.
and finally
(10) It was a brisk 68 degrees in Philadelphia today - no clouds - sun shining - cool breeze - FALL IS HERE! I am just about the happiest person in the world right now!
So that's my week in a nutshell - hope you enjoyed my recap - here's to a fantastic weekend for everyone in blogger land! Go Pats! Who says you need Rodney Harrison to stop LT??!!
September 26, 2005
Monday Night Sports Talk:
The Doc frequently reads Page 2 on ESPN mostly because he likes Bill Simmons. He was reading some of the funnier stuff from it tonight and there was one that made me laugh out loud - it is taken from the AUDIBLES FROM OUR SCREEN WRITERS section:
Question: [FILL IN BLANK] throws harder than Chad Pennington right now
Answer: Tim Wakefield
Question: Top-secret location of the Packers' missing home-field advantage
Answer: In Brett Favre's gray stubble
Anyway not all of them are funny but some of them are check it out by clicking on the link above. Also Pittsburgh needs to stop bitching about the 50 seconds that was accidentally added to the game around 14:00 minutes or so. The only reason they scored that last TD was for a bull shit pass interference call anyway...so STFU!! Have I mentioned to you how much I love having NFL Sunday Ticket to you yet??!! EVERY game - MOST in HD!! It's pure bliss!
Question: [FILL IN BLANK] throws harder than Chad Pennington right now
Answer: Tim Wakefield
Question: Top-secret location of the Packers' missing home-field advantage
Answer: In Brett Favre's gray stubble
Anyway not all of them are funny but some of them are check it out by clicking on the link above. Also Pittsburgh needs to stop bitching about the 50 seconds that was accidentally added to the game around 14:00 minutes or so. The only reason they scored that last TD was for a bull shit pass interference call anyway...so STFU!! Have I mentioned to you how much I love having NFL Sunday Ticket to you yet??!! EVERY game - MOST in HD!! It's pure bliss!
September 24, 2005
My Birthday Cake
That is a very good question bloggers - and so now I shall answer you. My birthday was Sunday September 4th at 6:04pm and on that day we were on the road heading back from The Princess Bride's Wedding Spectacular and I was without voice and in dire need of the night-time sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy-head, fever so I can rest medicine. Needless to say upon arriving home in Philly - I crashed on the couch.
We celebrated my birthday at our new favorite Mexican restaurant that Wednesday. I was still feeling yucky but my voice was coming back. Still no birthday cake. The Doc asked me if he should make me one but I said no (I mean, in my opinion, I shouldn't have to ask for my own birthday cake - if he wanted to make me one I would have been delighted - but I wasn't going to grovel).
About two weeks ago - the Doc was post call and while I was at the grocery store I saw a cake box made by Duncan Hines called Red Velvet - it looked yummy on the box. So I made it that afternoon while the Doc slept. After dinner I cut each of us a piece (no candles to blow out - and no singing - I mean after all I did have to make my own birthday cake). One bite - pwehwey (that is the sound of me spitting out said cake). It was pretty much the most disgusting cake ever. So still no birthday cake for me.
That brings us to the present day Saturday September 24th, almost four weeks since my birthday. The Doc is again post call and I decided I would bake. I wanted cake and I didn't care that my birthday was forever ago. I found a recipe for made from scratch German Chocolate Cake. I purchased all the ingredients and got to work. Needless to say that even though it didn't look right, the topping wasn't as thick as it was supposed to be and I added the egg whites when it was supposed to be the yolks and vice versa, it still tasted really good. I even got a small chorus of happy birthday from the Doc, although he (and this will come to no surprise to those who know him) did the you look like a monkey version.
So yes I had to make my own birthday cake and yes it was four weeks after the fact - but it was a perfect day, fall is in the air and life is too short to worry about cake.
The Smell of Fall

As soon as I stepped out the door a cool breeze hit me - I took a deep breath and knew that today was going to be a fantastic day. I could smell fall in the air. Growing up in NH - autumn was my favorite time of year. I love the way the air smells, the color of the leaves and the cool crisp air. It was perfect. Here in Philadelphia it won't be the same but I will enjoy days like these when they come.
Here's to a beautiful day for everyone - I hope it's as perfect for you.
September 20, 2005
The White House:

More of the Legend:
So I just got home from work and realized that I am a slob. God bless the Doc who married me in spite of this personality flaw, but now it is starting to annoy me. My sink full of dishes, laundry EVERYWHERE, bills, junk-mail, soda cans all over the place.
So the first step is admitting I have a problem - done. Now this is the weekend that will all change (I hope). I wish I was a neat person - I am sadly not and as the Doc is well aware - I am not Holly Homemaker. What is the secret to being a neat freak? Please help me.
So the first step is admitting I have a problem - done. Now this is the weekend that will all change (I hope). I wish I was a neat person - I am sadly not and as the Doc is well aware - I am not Holly Homemaker. What is the secret to being a neat freak? Please help me.
September 16, 2005
P. Sophie Goes to Washington:
Off to our nations capital this weekend. Going to visit with Benny and Robyn. They used to live in the next building over form us when the Doc and I were in Lebanon making getting together for dinner a 60 second walk across the parking lot. Now not so much, now they live about 2-1/2 hours away in Fairfax, VA and since Benny & Charlie are both interns and Robyn is a nurse in the NICU it makes finding free time to get together more difficult. So we have this weekend. I know the plan is to visit some museums in DC but mostly it will be a chance for the Boys to swap stories of life as an intern and just catch up on each other's lives. I have been looking forward to this trip for a long time! Hooray DC.
September 13, 2005
The Blogger Formerly Known As:
There has been a lot of confusion over my name recently and since I don't want to confuse my fans (all five of you) I have decided to go with a new shorter, more hip, cool name. You can now refer to me as P. Sophie.
September 12, 2005
I'm Afraid it's Not All Good:
As some of you know - I am still recovering from a bout laryngitis and have had a tickle in the back of my throat all night long. Three times I asked the Doc if he would be so kind as to get me a glass of water. Three times. Now what do you suppose the outcome of this was - let's just say it went a little something likes this:
P. Sophie: "Hun, can you please be so kind and get me a glass of water"
The Doc: ... {silence}
P. Sophie: getting up myself to get a glass of water - "You know how hard would it have been to get me a glass of water. I cook you a nice dinner and this is the thanks I get..."
The Doc: "I let you live in MY house"
P. Sophie: blank stare for about a minute "Oh, it's like that is it."
The Doc: "Yeah it is."
Revenge is will be mine - sleep lightly tonight.
P. Sophie: "Hun, can you please be so kind and get me a glass of water"
The Doc: ... {silence}
P. Sophie: getting up myself to get a glass of water - "You know how hard would it have been to get me a glass of water. I cook you a nice dinner and this is the thanks I get..."
The Doc: "I let you live in MY house"
P. Sophie: blank stare for about a minute "Oh, it's like that is it."
The Doc: "Yeah it is."
Revenge is will be mine - sleep lightly tonight.
September 11, 2005
Charlie Weis

It came down to the last 5 minutes but they held on strong with two calls reversed in their favor everything fell right into place. I am ready to jump on that bandwagon and see Charlie Weis pull a Pete Carroll - just remember you don't HAVE to throw the ball on 3rd and 6.
September 10, 2005
Bills, Bills & More Bills
When you buy your first home you're thinking this is going to be awesome. I can paint and decoratet as I choose, instead of paying Joe Landlord each month my money goes towards and investment and lastly it's all ours!
The Doc and I have been homeowners for three months now and I can tell you that the honeymoon is over. Here are some things that are different now that we are no longer renters:
(1) Water: as a homeowner now we have to pay for our water – as a renter the water is free (or included in your rent) – so you take long showers, run the dishwasher even though it isn’t full, and that leaky faucet – no big deal. Now because we have to pay for our water usage each month the running toilet is a big deal and we jam pack our washing machine to cut down on the amount of loads.
(2) The Electric Bill Triples: in our small two bedroom apartment, while running our tiny 8,000-BTU window air conditioner, had all lights on, ran two computers, a television, x-box and surround sound system all using the electricity and our electric bill would only be about $32.00 per month. You just can’t beat that. Now – much different story. Bigger space means more rooms to use electricity, and now we have central air that we ran 24/7 (it was a brutal summer) so I won’t even tell you what my electric bill was last month.
(3) Heat/Gas: before heat included in our rent – now, not so much. Since it is summer it is hard to say what this burden will be, but we do use hot water and without a circulator pump – you have to run the water at least a minute before it is hot (refer to the water section above)
(4) Repairs/Maintenance: as a renter when the shower handle broke, the window is busted or your rugs are old and need replacing – call the landlord – they take care of it and at no charge to you. Now if the heating unit is not working or an outlet stops working – call the HVAC tech or an electrician and we foot the bill. Thankfully that hasn’t happened yet (knock on wood) but it’s only a matter of time. Even if you’re a ‘do-it-yourselfer’ as my friend Brian is – you still have to purchase the supplies and put in the time to fix the problem.
Now don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t go back to being a renter - I love owning my own home, I am just saying there are some things that were nice about being a renter. So good luck to all future homeowners – believe me – the excitement will wear off fast!
The Doc and I have been homeowners for three months now and I can tell you that the honeymoon is over. Here are some things that are different now that we are no longer renters:
(1) Water: as a homeowner now we have to pay for our water – as a renter the water is free (or included in your rent) – so you take long showers, run the dishwasher even though it isn’t full, and that leaky faucet – no big deal. Now because we have to pay for our water usage each month the running toilet is a big deal and we jam pack our washing machine to cut down on the amount of loads.
(2) The Electric Bill Triples: in our small two bedroom apartment, while running our tiny 8,000-BTU window air conditioner, had all lights on, ran two computers, a television, x-box and surround sound system all using the electricity and our electric bill would only be about $32.00 per month. You just can’t beat that. Now – much different story. Bigger space means more rooms to use electricity, and now we have central air that we ran 24/7 (it was a brutal summer) so I won’t even tell you what my electric bill was last month.
(3) Heat/Gas: before heat included in our rent – now, not so much. Since it is summer it is hard to say what this burden will be, but we do use hot water and without a circulator pump – you have to run the water at least a minute before it is hot (refer to the water section above)
(4) Repairs/Maintenance: as a renter when the shower handle broke, the window is busted or your rugs are old and need replacing – call the landlord – they take care of it and at no charge to you. Now if the heating unit is not working or an outlet stops working – call the HVAC tech or an electrician and we foot the bill. Thankfully that hasn’t happened yet (knock on wood) but it’s only a matter of time. Even if you’re a ‘do-it-yourselfer’ as my friend Brian is – you still have to purchase the supplies and put in the time to fix the problem.
Now don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t go back to being a renter - I love owning my own home, I am just saying there are some things that were nice about being a renter. So good luck to all future homeowners – believe me – the excitement will wear off fast!
September 8, 2005
Football Baby!
I can't believe it is finally here and with the NFL Sunday Ticket any game I desire is a click of the remote away - most in HD! Dun Dun Dun Dah (that is supposed to be the MNF music). I am always a Pats fan first - but fantasy speaking if Kerry Collins wants to throw a TD to Randy Moss - I wouldn't mind too much!
Go Pats - here's to being the first team ever to win three straight! Adam Vinatieri in HD - It's like I can reach out and touch him. He's so pretty!
Go Pats - here's to being the first team ever to win three straight! Adam Vinatieri in HD - It's like I can reach out and touch him. He's so pretty!
September 6, 2005
The Stack's have 44 days to come to an agreement over the name of the baby. As we have witnessed over the weekend that isn't likely to happen any time soon. If the baby is a boy one wants the name Brian, Jr. the other does not. Who will win? Well it is obvious to everyone except the one who wants Brian, Jr. - so since we know it won't be Brian, Jr. the Doc and I came up with the name Ya-Noush. Now the correct spelling is beyond me - I am using the phonetic spelling so that people can actually read what the name is supposed to sound like. It is Polish for John. Stack is polish so it fits perfectly. As I have told them before - imagine all of us at the Agganis Arena for a Terrier Hockey Game shouting Ya-Noush - Sieve, Ya-Noush Sieve, Ya-Noooooush, Siiieeeve. You get the idea. The battle continues - it is funny to see "Brian, Sr." put up a fight. I think it is cute that he actually thinks he is going to 'win'. We shall see. 44 days and counting.
September 3, 2005
Princess Bride to Tie the Knot!
It is finally here - the big wedding extravaganza! I have known the groom since elementary school. We grew up in the same town - played little league together (although different teams) - enjoyed the fourth grade teachings of a certain 'favorite' teacher, and let's not forget the days of high school. I met the Princess Bride on a nice spring day; a long weekend day trip to Meredith, NH. The groom informed me that he was bringing a girl he had just started seeing. We all know his reputation with the ladies so we didn't quite know what to expect. All we knew was that they had met during work study and that she was the most gorgeous girl he had ever saw. I knew it was meant to be when I saw how serious he was when he told us. Normally (in our circle of friends) that would result in some hardcore bantering - but it is hard to tease a guy who knew he just met the love of his life! We love you guys and congrats to you guys on your very special day!
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