Weight: 17lbs 11oz (10%)
Height: 27 inches (10%)

Yup - David is a RUNT! Otherwise he is in tip top shape. He was even a good sport when they had to draw some blood for a routine check and the lady poked him four times before she was able to get anything. She told him he was braver than the teenagers she sees!
He is officially a pro now at sitting up all by himself. He has also started to cruise a little bit and we'll definitely be lowering the crib now that he pulls himself up and shakes the railing. Still no Ma-Ma. What can I say David is a "Daddy's" boy. No matter how many times I tell him "Mommy is the one who takes care of you" he still gets more excited when Daddy comes home.

thats always the way it is!!! I have to say tho, Mister Cohen is very fond of his mommy, and it's going to be a tough transition back to work! We already tried me leaving for just an hour to hit up the gym, and Cohen didn't have any liking in that situation. But, it could have been the fact that he was constipated!!! he's better now tho!!!
Wow, he's getting so big! He's starting to look like a little boy now (instead of a baby....).
He is growing up so fast! I can't believe his first birthday is only three months away!
I have decided with his recent stats - I can call him Peanut for a little while longer!
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