June 8, 2009

A Luau and a Birthday Party

On Saturday we had our end of the year party at the Rec Center. Miss Sally really knows how to put on a fun party for the kids. There was a tarp set up with sand (to make an indoor beach), various summer crafts including a decorated frisbee, Silly Willy the Clown and an Ice Cream Sundae bar! It was fun but sad at the same time since it was our last playgroup of the year but with all the fun activities the city has planned starting in July we'll still see everyone around!

Here are some pictures from our Luau:

Shaun having fun!

David making a frisbee:

The indoor beach!

Shaun & Me looking festive in our Hawaiian shirts!

Yesterday was David's BFF Briana's 3rd birthday party! It was a Chuck E Cheese and he had a blast! Shaun even had fun crawling around and seeing all the lights! It's so cute seeing David and all his little friends running around, playing games and dancing!

The Birthday Girl!

David having fun!

Dancing with his *girlfriend*

Shaun getting in on the excitement!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Ahhhh I love the picture of Shaun!!!!