June 18, 2009

Shaun's First Year in Video!

I am ashamed to admit that Shaun has certainly suffered a little second child syndrome, as we don't have as much video footage of Shaun's first year. However I still have some cute clips that I put together in movie form.

Shaun had his first year check up yesterday and here are his stats:

Weight: 21 lbs 11oz (30th percentile)
Height: 30 inches (50th percentile)

It's funny because everyone thinks he's such a big boy but the stats don't lie. He's only slightly bigger than David was at his first year check up. But one thing is for sure...he's no longer my baby! I noticed a couple weeks ago that when I look at him he no longer has that *baby* look. He is starting to look like a little boy!

Here is the birthday boy last week enjoying his birthday cookie!

And after he ate the birthday cookie!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Great clip ending to the first year video.

Took me a bit to realize he was eating a lemon vs. a crescent roll (I'm thinking that was from mother's day dinner with the family) in that one part...poor kid's parents have strange way of getting their kicks lol (jk)