I know my blog posts have been a little egocentric lately but I am trying to make a point of taking care of myself. After all, if there is one thing I have learned from being a mother it's, a happy Mommy = a happy family! So because of that I have slacked a little this summer with posting about the boys. So without further ado...
We have had a very productive summer, spending time at the beach, my parents camp, swimming at Sally's with our friends, and catching some of the fun at the local parks! We also spent some time up in Maine and will end with a trip up north to
The boys up at the camp hanging out at the pool:
Evan's first time in the pool! The sun was REALLY bright that day!
Evan is growing like a weed! I am very curious to see where he is at when he goes for his four month check up in September. As I mentioned before, I set up
Mii characters on our
Wii Fit Plus, and it now has him at 17 1/2 pounds.
Here is Evan enjoying some R&R at the park on one of the gorgeous days last week:
David will starting his second year at Happy Day
Pre-school. This year he will be going three days a week on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. He is very exciting to be going back. I just ordered his backpack and I ordered his first day of school outfit.
David showing off the robot he built all by himself! These blocks were from Brady and Cameron for his birthday and he LOVES them!
And last but not least...Shaun! He has the biggest news of the summer, as of four days ago he has been Binky free! It started Monday night with an early bedtime (cranky and overtired) and we had taken it away because he refused to eat his dinner. I ended up putting him to bed without and he was SO tired he fell asleep. I thought for sure it was going to be the FIRST thing he asked for when he woke up the next morning, but he didn't. In fact, he didn't ask for it once. So I decided to roll with it.
We spent the day at my parents house and got back home around 8pm. He had fallen asleep on the ride home and so we put him to bed for the second night in a row without it. He did ask for it but he was so tired Daddy just rubbed his back and he fell asleep. Wednesday morning was the hardest. He woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was
RANKY. When he would ask I told him "No, they are all gone!" He screamed and had a fit but I would hug him and redirect him. It seemed to work OK but I wasn't going back at this point. So after some time at the park he snapped out of his cranky mood and I haven't heard him talk about it since! It's like he has forgotten all about it and therefore the "B" word is not to be mentioned around him until he goes to college!
One of the last times with the
Shaun has also turned into quite the fish! We are currently looking into swimming lessons for both the boys! I think they will have fun and it's a pretty valuable skill to have!
I am looking forward to fall and getting back into our routine, summer tends to be a little bit lazy around here. I am also looking forward to fall weather, apple picking and the smell of chimney smoke on those crisp late fall evenings. And who could forget the best part of fall...FOOTBALL! Now that we have Direct TV back, I am trying to convince the Doc that it's imperative we get Sunday Ticket! GO PATS!