September 3, 2010


That is right, as of todays weigh-in I have officially lost 10% of my body weight! I can't believe it.

Last Week: 167.2
This Week: 166.7
Wk 11 Loss: 0.5 lbs
Total Loss: 18.7 lbs

I am feeling really great! I definitely have more energy and the accountability of weighing in every week has kept me on track, especially on those nights when I didn't really want to exercise! Which is now, since Evan has hit a growth spurt and is up nursing every 2 hours! But I made a promise to myself that there would be NO EXCUSES! So I keep plugging away and slowly but surely the pounds are dropping!

After spending 30 days with Jillian, and only 1.2 pounds away from my first weight loss goal I am ready for more. So on the eve of my 31st birthday, I have set my next goal. I want to be able to run a 5k road race! I have been inspired by the mom's on my board and so tonight I did it, week 1 day 1 of the Couch to 5k program. So I plan to follow the program and when I have finished, sign up for a road race! I like structure and so I think this is going to be a great way to get fit and maybe even drop some more weight! It worked for Charlie!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I did Couch to 5K....I suggest downloading the Podrunners Interval music it dings every time the interval changes... I did awesome on it, plus I took each week at a time since my knees are the greatest but unfortunately the running wasn’t doing so well with my joints the doctor told me I had to stop because I was beginning to walk like one leg was longer than the other, lol... I told myself if I could lose 20 more pounds I would begin again. Good luck!!!!