November 9, 2010

My Boys!

And by boys, I mean everyone in the house except for me! Just thought I would post a few updates about the family. I mean it is after all, not always about me! Ha! I will start with Evan since he had his 6 month check up today. He's no longer a big fat baby, but he's definitely still a shorty.

Height: 25.5 inches (10th percentile)
Weight: 18.2 pounds (54th percentile)

Other than being vertically challenged, he is in perfect health! He was all smiles for the doctor and had a great time showing off by doing lots of crunches. I am pretty sure he's got some abs of steel under the baby fat!

Moving on to Shaun. He has come a LONG way in his speech since we went cold turkey on the binky. I know he still misses it because every once in a while we'll catch him sneaking the ones we have around the house for Evan. He knows they are the babies but he cannot help himself! He has two more months left of Early Intervention and I know he is going to miss his caseworker when we are all done. She has been coming once a week while David is in school to work with him on getting him to use his words, like asking for help when he is frustrated or asking for a turn when he wants to play with something. He can say most of the alphabet now and can count to 20! He can match all his colors, like put all the red blocks together and all the green blocks, and is about 80 percent on knowing the right word for the color. Now if only we can get him to tell us when he has a poopy diaper and use the potty we'd be all set!

David just had school pictures on Monday. He looked so handsome and so grown up in his blazer. I wasn't sure if he would end up wearing the jacket for the actual picture so I wanted to make sure that I got one with him in it. He is starting to sound out words and he's getting really good at telling time. And even though he has an August birthday and we could potentially keep him back another year, there is no doubt in my mind that he's going to be ready for Kindergarten next year!

Now where will that be? That is the question. Right now the Doc is currently finishing up his last year of Fellowship and in the process of searching for open positions. It's exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. Hopefully we'll have an answer soon! We are looking forward to settling down for good, it's been a long time coming!

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