November 1, 2010

Evan's Half Birthday!

Evan is 6 months old today and he is getting so big! I won't know for sure until we go to his check up next week but he's on pace to be as big as Shaun was if not more! He wears 9 month onesies and pajamas and 6-12 month pants and shirts! He has been sitting up for a while now which is nice because he's not always happy to be left in the exersaucer. He's a snuggler and loves to be held ALL. THE. TIME! The joke in the family is that he has "First Baby Syndrome". He's not happy unless someone is paying attention to him at all times, preferably while being held!

6 Months Old!

Over the last week we have started giving him more foods. We started meats and he has even been eating some chunky stage 3 foods. He LOVES the stuff! He does not discriminate either. He likes it all! We have also let him try a teething biscuit. He was a little unsure about it but I think he liked having something to gnaw on!

Tonight we also gave him his first sippy cup to try and put some baby juice in it. Since I have exclusively nursed him since birth, he has never had a bottle and so it was funny watching him try to figure out the cup! He got it eventually, it's just something he'll need to get used to!

And last, the latest milestone is being able to balance himself standing up (holding on to something of course!). He has been hitting all the milestones around the same time as his older brothers did so I decided to see if he could balance himself and he could! I wonder now if he'll follow the same pattern for cruising and walking! He's trying really hard to sit himself up from a laying down position but he just doesn't have the strength yet so we shall see!

I am looking forward to seeing his stats next week. According to the Wii, he's is around 18.5 pounds. I am just crossing my fingers that he grew up too! I am not very hopefull, the kid is just a big giant meatball, short and stout!

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