November 19, 2010

THIRTY POUNDS! *insert happy dance here!*

Today I can officially say that I have lost 30 pounds (31.2 to be exact!) in 5 months!!

Pinch me, because I MUST be dreaming! I really needed a big week and for it to come right before Thanksgiving is just the boost I need to keep me honest next Thursday! My goal for next week is to pretty much maintain. I don't plan on stuffing my face, but I also plan on eating without worrying about counting calories! It's Thanksgiving after all and I have worked really hard! Running my very first 5k first thing in the morning won't hurt either!

Last Week: 157.0
This Week: 154.2
Wk 10 Loss: 2.8 lbs
Total Loss: 10.7 lbs (31.2 overall)

With only 2 weeks left in this round, it's doubtful that I will reach my goal to lose a total of 10% of my body weight. I would need to lose a total of 6 pounds for that to happen, which is pretty ambitious! But it was an ambitious goal to begin with so I am not even the slight bit disappointed. After all, I have lost over 10 pounds in 10 weeks; who could be disappointed with those kind of results!

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