OK so nothing is worse than being sick right...well how about being sick with a four month old to take care of and a husband on call. So wicked fun for me. Since our return from NH I have had this terrible cold I can't beat and to top it off yesterday I came down with a nasty stomach bug. And like I said The Doc was not home to take care of me. Hmph! I had no energy, I couldn't eat and all I wanted to do was sleep all day but I couldn't because I had to entertain David.
Thankfully he must have known I wasn't myself because he was on his best behavior and he slept from 8pm to midnight the longest stretch he has done at night in a long time! The Doc came home this morning to David and I napping and then he went out to the store and got me chicken soup. I love to be taken care of when I am sick! I am starting to feel a little better and maybe I can even eat some real food soon.
December 31, 2006
December 29, 2006
Christmas Slide Show
Here is our family enjoying the holidays and helping us celebrate David's first Christmas!
December 28, 2006
Getting started early

December 27, 2006
27 on the 27th
Just wanted to give a Happy Birthday shout out to P. Buttercup! She is old now like the rest of us!
December 26, 2006
David's First Christmas!
Well after a long drive last night we are back home! It was great seeing all our family and friends as we celebrated David's first Christmas. It was a very busy weekend and the three of us were exhausted last night. Even after sleeping the majority of the car ride home David went straight to bed and gave me three hours of continuous sleep!

On Saturday we visited with The Doc's extended family. David got to see his Great Aunts and Uncle and his Great Grandmothers. There was a fabulous spread of candy, fruits and veggies and pie! After that we went over to Brian & Erica's. P. Buttercup and her man joined us too! Brady was too cute when Brian left to pick up the pizza and he couldn't go with him.
Christmas eve was spent over at my parent's house aka the Zoo! We had a nice brunch compliments of me! I made home fried potatoes and scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese bacon, ham and sausage. It was very good if I do say so myself.
After that we left to have dinner at the Longhorn Steakhouse with MIL, FIL, SIL and Grammy. Then it was back to my parents for a quick visit before heading over to church. You can see a pattern here - we didn't stop moving the entire weekend!
Here is David all dressed up for Church in the outfit that his Great Aunt Vicki got for him. It's all the reindeer on a really cute sweater with blue corduroys. David was very well behaved at church he sat and listened to the music which was especially good! When we got home I put David into his very first Christmas Pajamas!
Growing up in our house it was tradition that every year on Christmas eve we would get a new pair of pajamas to wear so that on Christmas morning we all could take a picture looking spiffy in our PJ's! So it was great when I was shopping and found this outfit for David to wear. It has a picture of Santa on the front and says "Santa's Favorite" underneath! The we put the Santa hat on. Just look at how cute he is!

Christmas morning we woke up bright and early and headed over to my parents house where Santa left tons of cool gifts for David, Scottie and Little John. It was a crazy morning with 14 people opening gifts in a living room overloaded with presents! After that we headed back to MIL & FIL's (good thing they only live 10 minutes away!). David napped while we opened our gifts. Santa was VERY good to me I loved all of my gifts!
After that MIL made a wonderful pot roast for dinner and then it was back to my parents for desert and Secret Santa exchange with my extended family. By 5:00pm it was time to head on back home! I am working on loading all our pictures onto another slide show for you all to enjoy. I hope to have it up soon! I hope every one's holiday was as fabulous as ours!

On Saturday we visited with The Doc's extended family. David got to see his Great Aunts and Uncle and his Great Grandmothers. There was a fabulous spread of candy, fruits and veggies and pie! After that we went over to Brian & Erica's. P. Buttercup and her man joined us too! Brady was too cute when Brian left to pick up the pizza and he couldn't go with him.
Christmas eve was spent over at my parent's house aka the Zoo! We had a nice brunch compliments of me! I made home fried potatoes and scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese bacon, ham and sausage. It was very good if I do say so myself.

Here is David all dressed up for Church in the outfit that his Great Aunt Vicki got for him. It's all the reindeer on a really cute sweater with blue corduroys. David was very well behaved at church he sat and listened to the music which was especially good! When we got home I put David into his very first Christmas Pajamas!
Growing up in our house it was tradition that every year on Christmas eve we would get a new pair of pajamas to wear so that on Christmas morning we all could take a picture looking spiffy in our PJ's! So it was great when I was shopping and found this outfit for David to wear. It has a picture of Santa on the front and says "Santa's Favorite" underneath! The we put the Santa hat on. Just look at how cute he is!

Christmas morning we woke up bright and early and headed over to my parents house where Santa left tons of cool gifts for David, Scottie and Little John. It was a crazy morning with 14 people opening gifts in a living room overloaded with presents! After that we headed back to MIL & FIL's (good thing they only live 10 minutes away!). David napped while we opened our gifts. Santa was VERY good to me I loved all of my gifts!
After that MIL made a wonderful pot roast for dinner and then it was back to my parents for desert and Secret Santa exchange with my extended family. By 5:00pm it was time to head on back home! I am working on loading all our pictures onto another slide show for you all to enjoy. I hope to have it up soon! I hope every one's holiday was as fabulous as ours!
December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am right now! David's first Christmas! Even though he is not old enough to understand what is going on he will be all smiles today as our families shower him with attention! I can't wait to see what Santa left for him under the tree at his Grammy and Papa's house. And because he is little his cousin Scottie will help him open all his presents. We already have tons of pictures to share when we head back home to Philadelphia.
The only thing that would've made this day better is some Christmas snow. Oh well maybe next year! Hope Santa was good to everyone and all the best for a safe and Happy New Year!
~P. Sophie, The Doc and Little David
The only thing that would've made this day better is some Christmas snow. Oh well maybe next year! Hope Santa was good to everyone and all the best for a safe and Happy New Year!
~P. Sophie, The Doc and Little David
December 24, 2006
Ms. M has a blog!
Hooray! It's finally happened! Check out Ben, Robyn and Ms. M at there new home on Blogger! Click the here for pictures and updates!
December 21, 2006
December 14, 2006
Our Big Boy!

David had his four month check up on Monday. He is growing according to schedule falling into the 50 percentile in height and weight. He weighs in at 15lbs 2oz and he is 24.5 inches long. I was right on the money with the weight and way off on the height. Guess I was just wishfully thinking David would be tall like his friend Brady - but he's just an average Joe! His hair is finally growing back. He had such dark hair when he was born and now it's growing back a very light brown as you can see from the above picture. So far his hair is straight but that could change with time.
We are looking forward to David's first Christmas. I even bought him his very own super cute Christmas PJ's. It's a red and white stripped onesie that says Santa's Favorite with a pair of red fleece pants! Today the Doc and I were at Target and I saw Santa hats for little babies and said we should buy it for him to wear on Christmas morning. The Doc was like - yeah I don't think so!! So that is when I put the hat on his head (I just had to) and wouldn't you know it...we bought the hat! The Doc couldn't resist - I mean can you really blame him!!

December 13, 2006
Christmas Cards!
I finally got all my Christmas cards in the mail yesterday! Hooray! This year we used Snapfish to make our cards and I was very happy with the results. I wasn't nuts about our picture this year but it was I had to get a husband, two cats AND a baby to cooperate. The Doc was done after the tenth try and we were getting no where with the cats who didn't want to be near David. He suggested we try one without the cats but I just couldn't leave them out of the picture no matter how uncooperative they were. We've done this for the last four years and the cats are a part of the family too! Next year it will be better because David will be able to sit on his own!
Below is Ben, Robyn and Maddie's Christmas picture. It came out so nice I asked if I could post it to the blog. This is Maddie's first Christmas too! She is getting so big! Happy Holiday's everyone! Only 12 more days until Christmas!
Below is Ben, Robyn and Maddie's Christmas picture. It came out so nice I asked if I could post it to the blog. This is Maddie's first Christmas too! She is getting so big! Happy Holiday's everyone! Only 12 more days until Christmas!

December 11, 2006
David's Dating Video:
Now that David is 4 Months old the Doc and I figured he is old enough to play the field. This is the dating video we put together for him:
December 10, 2006
Our Peanut is 4 Months Old!
Hard to believe but it has really been four months since David joined our family! Everyone said it would go by fast but man! Just take a look how big he has gotten in the last four months:

David - on 8/16/06

David - One month old - 9/9/06

David - Four months old - 12/9/06
He is a giant now but I still call him my peanut! Tomorrow he goes in for his four month check up at the Pediatrician. My guess is that he will weigh 15lbs 2oz and that he will be 27 inches long! What's your guess!

David - on 8/16/06

David - One month old - 9/9/06

David - Four months old - 12/9/06
He is a giant now but I still call him my peanut! Tomorrow he goes in for his four month check up at the Pediatrician. My guess is that he will weigh 15lbs 2oz and that he will be 27 inches long! What's your guess!
December 3, 2006
Smiling to Fussy in 3.6 seconds:

On Monday I dropped him off to daycare and told the assitant director that he was spoiled by all the family and I have a funny feeling that he may be a fussy pants. Sure enough when I picked him up I heard a baby crying and said "That's my baby!" The teacher said he had been like that all day and nothing they did would console him.

They are not used to him being like that because usually he is such a happy baby at daycare!! Tuesday and Wednesday were better and by Friday he was back to his old self laughing and smiling! Thank goodness!
December 2, 2006
Our Week in NH - A Synopsis
Last week for the holiday we were in NH. It was a very busy week and we spent most of it running around so here it is our week in a nutshell:
Friday November 17, 2006: We leave for NH. We got on the road about 3pm and hit some fun traffic. It's always fun to travel in the busiest time of the year! We were going to be spending the weekend with Buttercup at their new townhouse. We got in about 9pm. Since David slept the entire car ride he was wide awake to play for another hour and a half.
Saturday November 18, 2006: We ate breakfast and headed to Boston for an afternoon at Faneuil Hall. You can read all about it on Buttercup's blog by clicking here. Later that night we headed out for dinner and we all agreed that Buttercup ordered the best meal as we all shared some of her Mushi Chicken.
Sunday November 19, 2006: With my new found love of cooking I decided to make breakfast for the crew. I whipped up an egg scrambler ala Sophia (with breakfast ham, sausage and bacon) and some home fried potatoes. It was very tasty if I do say so myself. Then we watched the Pats kick some butt shutting out the Green Bay Packers. After the game we left and headed to my parents house for a lovely dinner of Roast Beef and Spiral Ham. Dad told us that we should come home every weekend because it seems that Mom goes all out when we're in town!
Monday November 20, 2006: We headed to Lebanon, NH home to us while the Doc got his medical degree. We went to introduce David to the people of M.J. Hayward. He also got to meet Lula and Burke the M.J. Hayward mascots (a Weimaraner and a Springer Spaniel). We also drove around to see all the new construction that was done at and around the hospital. On our way back we went to visit Mimi at her work so she could introduce her grandson to her co-workers.
Tuesday November 21, 2006: Time to introduce David to more people first we went to visit Grampy at his new office and then we visited with Grammy at her work. After that we stopped by Sanborn Regional High School to get a tour of the new school by the new Assistant principal Mr. Stack! For lunch it was Chinese food (The Doc's reward for all the driving around) and then time to get ready for our night out in Boston. David was dropped off at Grammy and Papa's house where he
went to meet more people at the bowling alley that Uncle David and Grammy bowl at. We headed to Boston and had a fabulous dinner at Laurel Grill & Bar. After dinner we went Fire and Ice (yes I finally went back!) for desert and drinks. The girls shared a Chocolate Fondu that consisted of strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, kiwi and pineapple. It was was really good and I would highly recommend it! It was a really fun night and I can't wait to be able to do it again!
Wednesday November 22, 2006: In the morning we picked up Scottie and
headed to the mall to get pictures with Santa! David was on his best behavior and the picture came out great! Perfect for Christmas cards! We ate lunch at the food court and then headed back to do some more visiting and more showing off of the little guy! We stopped by the Pillbox where I used to work while I was still in school. That night we had Chinese food from Lucky Corner for dinner.
Thursday November 23, 2006: Thanksgiving! This day was spent with my family at my Aunt's house. The food was awesome and I stuffed my self until I couldn't eat anymore! David spent most of his day being passed around to the different family members. That night we headed over to the Stacks where Brian saved me a piece of his "brined" turkey. While I admit it was tasty I don't feel it was any tastier than my butter basted stuffed turkey!! I really enjoyed the cookies with Erica's homemade whipped cream! The boys looked so handsome in their Thanksgiving outfits as seen in the picture below:

Friday November 24, 2006: Thanksgiving Take II! How lucky am I that I got to have TWO turkey days!! This Thanksgiving was with the Doc's family down in Cape Cod. David's two Great Aunts took turns holding him and I wasn't sure if they were ever going to let me have him back!! He also got to play with Casey (a Bichon). I again ate so much I couldn't move but if I had to do it again...I would!
Saturday November 25, 2006: Went to the mall with my cousins and what was supposed to be window shopping turned into me carrying five bags of stuff! It was nice to get some shopping out of the way though especially with no sales tax! After shopping we went to lunch and then then the Doc came with David to pick me up and we introduced him to Moose and Alaska (Siberian Huskies). I think we're going to have to get a dog because he just loved them! Poor Trot and Drew. That night we met up with Steph for dinner at the China Blossom (we ate way too much Chinese food) then we headed over to the Bejing for drinks and some singing!
Sunday November 26, 2006: 8:00 am we hit the road home! We wanted to miss traffic and get home in time for the Pats game. Plus the Doc wanted to relax before starting his rotation in the MICU. As you can see it was a busy week and we did a ton of running around but it was fun and good seeing everyone!

Saturday November 18, 2006: We ate breakfast and headed to Boston for an afternoon at Faneuil Hall. You can read all about it on Buttercup's blog by clicking here. Later that night we headed out for dinner and we all agreed that Buttercup ordered the best meal as we all shared some of her Mushi Chicken.
Sunday November 19, 2006: With my new found love of cooking I decided to make breakfast for the crew. I whipped up an egg scrambler ala Sophia (with breakfast ham, sausage and bacon) and some home fried potatoes. It was very tasty if I do say so myself. Then we watched the Pats kick some butt shutting out the Green Bay Packers. After the game we left and headed to my parents house for a lovely dinner of Roast Beef and Spiral Ham. Dad told us that we should come home every weekend because it seems that Mom goes all out when we're in town!
Monday November 20, 2006: We headed to Lebanon, NH home to us while the Doc got his medical degree. We went to introduce David to the people of M.J. Hayward. He also got to meet Lula and Burke the M.J. Hayward mascots (a Weimaraner and a Springer Spaniel). We also drove around to see all the new construction that was done at and around the hospital. On our way back we went to visit Mimi at her work so she could introduce her grandson to her co-workers.

Wednesday November 22, 2006: In the morning we picked up Scottie and

Thursday November 23, 2006: Thanksgiving! This day was spent with my family at my Aunt's house. The food was awesome and I stuffed my self until I couldn't eat anymore! David spent most of his day being passed around to the different family members. That night we headed over to the Stacks where Brian saved me a piece of his "brined" turkey. While I admit it was tasty I don't feel it was any tastier than my butter basted stuffed turkey!! I really enjoyed the cookies with Erica's homemade whipped cream! The boys looked so handsome in their Thanksgiving outfits as seen in the picture below:

Friday November 24, 2006: Thanksgiving Take II! How lucky am I that I got to have TWO turkey days!! This Thanksgiving was with the Doc's family down in Cape Cod. David's two Great Aunts took turns holding him and I wasn't sure if they were ever going to let me have him back!! He also got to play with Casey (a Bichon). I again ate so much I couldn't move but if I had to do it again...I would!
Saturday November 25, 2006: Went to the mall with my cousins and what was supposed to be window shopping turned into me carrying five bags of stuff! It was nice to get some shopping out of the way though especially with no sales tax! After shopping we went to lunch and then then the Doc came with David to pick me up and we introduced him to Moose and Alaska (Siberian Huskies). I think we're going to have to get a dog because he just loved them! Poor Trot and Drew. That night we met up with Steph for dinner at the China Blossom (we ate way too much Chinese food) then we headed over to the Bejing for drinks and some singing!
Sunday November 26, 2006: 8:00 am we hit the road home! We wanted to miss traffic and get home in time for the Pats game. Plus the Doc wanted to relax before starting his rotation in the MICU. As you can see it was a busy week and we did a ton of running around but it was fun and good seeing everyone!
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