February 2, 2008

Gonna Vom...

The Missus likes to tell everyone that David is a "Daddy's Boy". Here is some documentation otherwise. One of David's newest words is dip and here he is covered in his favorite...RANCH DRESSING.

(the missus feels that I need to specifically state for those of you unable to integrate the title of this post and the subject of the post that I don't like ranch dressing)


iyaz said...

Clearly this is not your kid. Look, he doesn't even have your mustache!

Anonymous said...

Clearly, too, it tastes better with a little extra bodily fluid mixed in - check out the running nose. Next time you get a cold, ... Yeah, gross! Does the kid ever NOT have a runny nose?


Princess B said...

Not convinced.

I still agree with the missus; he's such a Daddy's Boy as I have witnessed many a time, and heard from her stories.

My hypothesis for why he likes Ranch dressing is b/c he was stuck in her stomach for 9 months. That's my story and I'm standing by it.

Brian said...

But he likes ranch dressing...so at least we know he is normal. :)

Mis Pretty said...

oh yum!!! ranch is yummy!!! if he was stuck in your belly doc he may not have had a tongue for ranch, but since it was the missus he inhabited for a whole 9 months he finds it tasty!!!! hahaha....he must be getting so big! Cohen is getting huge!(and becoming quite the MONSTER!) MISS YOU GUYS!
love krystal, david, and Cohen!