February 19, 2008

Sick Day

Today David had a sick day - which means I had a sick day too. It figures that David would get sick on the one day the Doc couldn't stay home with him. Any other day this week would have been fine. Monday at 4am - David woke up and when I picked him up he felt really warm. We gave him some Tylenol and let him sleep with us for the rest of the night. We had the day off but decided to still send him to school since I still have to pay for the day and he seemed to be OK. He ate his breakfast and was enjoying his morning TV. He likes going to school so he can play with his friends.

The school called around 3:30pm to tell us we needed to get him he wasn’t feeling well and had a fever of 101. That means that in order for him to return to school – he needs a doctor’s note. So I called my work to tell them I would not be in and would take him to the doctor’s in the morning.

We headed to the doctors at 9:30am and didn’t get seen until almost 11am. David was such a good sport considering how long we had to wait. It’s annoying since we know he has a cold and there isn’t anything the doctor is going to do but I guess at least I know he doesn’t have an ear infection or sore throat. He still isn’t fully himself but the fever seems to have passed and we’ll see how he does tomorrow.

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