He is an Elf sent from the North Pole by Santa! He will watch over our house and report back to Santa each night returning back to our house in the morning! Each morning it will be the boys job to find our new friend! While dinner was in the oven we read the story that came with our new friend. It told us that we need to name him! So at dinner, we brainstormed and came up with a list of names!

I wrote down some of the names David came up with but he wanted to write his own down. The last one he wrote was F-I-N. He asked me if that was a real name, since the previous words didn't really go together. I told him it was (even though it should have two N's) and he told me that the list was ready! It was time for us to vote on a name. Since the Doc and I were pretty proud of David for writing the word FIN by himself, that became our vote! David voted for it too and then asked Shaun if he liked it! Evan's vote made it unanimous.
So I would like to introduce you to our new friend who will be watching over us this Holiday season, Finn the Elf!

Yesterday David had written out a letter to Santa, I suggested that maybe he read his list to Finn, because the magical Elf book told us that he takes notes of everything and reports it all back to the big guy himself!

One of my favorite things about this time of year is all the traditions and I am glad that we have another one to add to our list! This is going to be so fun!