CD and I are off to Philly - this time will be different and this place won't have termites*. We will be looking in different areas so hopefully things will go better. Althouh it is supposed to rain again and there's nothing like finding a place to live in the pouring rain.
Send us a happy thought and of course we'll keep you updated!
*The first place didn't really have termites (I don't think anyway) it was something I said to make me feel better about the situation!
April 27, 2005
April 26, 2005
Clay Goes Plastic
Now Claymates have a new way to show their affection for their favorite singer: They can carry him in their wallet.
Clay Aiken (or Gayken as CD calls him) is promoting a credit card. MyPlash (a take on the words "plastic cash" - how creative) is a new line from MasterCard designed especially for teenagers. You can take your pick from Simple Plan, Xzibit or Clay Aiken. All you have to do is (a) convince your parents and (b) pay.
The cards, which cost about $28 to acquire ($16.95 for the card, $11.99 for the membership), need to be preloaded with funds (minimum $10 deposit required). Racking up debt is not a possibility, as card owners can only spent predetermined amounts of money
Yeah because when I was a teenager I had lots of cash to spare and I wanted it to go to a membership fee to a credit card that I could only use if I 'preloaded it with funds'. Puh-lease.
Yes Clay I know that you're doing way more than you other Idol counter parts (ie: Ruben and Fantasia) - but dude not a smart move...

The cards, which cost about $28 to acquire ($16.95 for the card, $11.99 for the membership), need to be preloaded with funds (minimum $10 deposit required). Racking up debt is not a possibility, as card owners can only spent predetermined amounts of money
Yeah because when I was a teenager I had lots of cash to spare and I wanted it to go to a membership fee to a credit card that I could only use if I 'preloaded it with funds'. Puh-lease.
Yes Clay I know that you're doing way more than you other Idol counter parts (ie: Ruben and Fantasia) - but dude not a smart move...
April 25, 2005
The Accapella Sounds of Ninetendo
For those of you who know me - I am a memeber of an Accapella group at CD's Medical School. One of my fellow Dermies sent this link to me:
I couldn't stop laughing. Something for your monday morning - please enjoy.
Oh yeah - don't forget to turn your speakers on!
I couldn't stop laughing. Something for your monday morning - please enjoy.
Oh yeah - don't forget to turn your speakers on!
April 23, 2005
God Damn Red Sox:
CD won't let me watch the RED SOX becuase it isn't good for my health. They lost for the second straight night to Tampa Bay - ARGH. So now instead I get to purge my appartment TLC Clean Sweep style (for the upcoming move). If only Big Papi could've hit one more home run...then I wouldn't have to be cleaning...
Schilling is my fantasy pitcher - thanks for the loss you f*cker. Stop sucking will you - hopefully he can turn it around as my main man D. Wells has. At least the Yankees are getting bitch smacked too!
I better stop bloggin' and get back to work before CD goes OJ Simpson on me.
Schilling is my fantasy pitcher - thanks for the loss you f*cker. Stop sucking will you - hopefully he can turn it around as my main man D. Wells has. At least the Yankees are getting bitch smacked too!
I better stop bloggin' and get back to work before CD goes OJ Simpson on me.
The Return of the Park
Here's to the good ol' days, the days of no jobs and good ol' fashion goofin' off. The year was 2000-2001 our last year of college before we joined the 'real world'. We lived at 500 Park Drive in Boston. Oh the fun we had...check out our return.
2 - 4 - 6 - 8 Who do We Appreciate?
Jesus, Jesus, Yeah Jesus!
More Christian schools opting for faith-based cheerleading
KRISTEN WYATT - Associated Press
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. - Bare midriffs. Short skirts. Bump-and-grind routines.
Cheerleading has strayed far from the 2-4-6-8 routines of yesteryear, and that can leave parochial school cheerleading squads wondering how to craft routines that fit their values without looking downright retro.
That's where Christian cheerleading camps come in. A growing number of Christian schools, put off by the sometimes-seductive dances and cheers taught at secular camps, are opting instead for faith-based camps and competitions. It's where Bible study meets basket tosses and the music doesn't have to be bleeped out...
I was trying to come up with something funny to say here - but the quotes in the article stole my thunder. I recommend reading it for yourself. I think I blew a funny fuse.
"There's not the pressure," said Tracy Handey, a 15-year-old cheerleader at Humble Christian School in Humble, Texas. Handey's squad went to a CCA camp, where no one snickered at their skirts that fall to 4 inches above the knee. "I like our uniforms because they don't show everything."
Hmmm...I bet if you asked the boys at these 'christian' schools if secular cheerleader uniforms offended them they would say - YES...they're not revealing enough.
The camps work just like secular ones, but with devotional time added in mornings and nights. Most of the instructors are college cheerleaders who went to Christian schools when they were younger, and they're encouraged to talk about their faith. They tell campers that cheering is a God-given talent that can spread Christian lessons.
Give me a G
Give me an O
Give me a D
What's that spell?
More Christian schools opting for faith-based cheerleading
KRISTEN WYATT - Associated Press
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. - Bare midriffs. Short skirts. Bump-and-grind routines.
Cheerleading has strayed far from the 2-4-6-8 routines of yesteryear, and that can leave parochial school cheerleading squads wondering how to craft routines that fit their values without looking downright retro.
That's where Christian cheerleading camps come in. A growing number of Christian schools, put off by the sometimes-seductive dances and cheers taught at secular camps, are opting instead for faith-based camps and competitions. It's where Bible study meets basket tosses and the music doesn't have to be bleeped out...
I was trying to come up with something funny to say here - but the quotes in the article stole my thunder. I recommend reading it for yourself. I think I blew a funny fuse.
"There's not the pressure," said Tracy Handey, a 15-year-old cheerleader at Humble Christian School in Humble, Texas. Handey's squad went to a CCA camp, where no one snickered at their skirts that fall to 4 inches above the knee. "I like our uniforms because they don't show everything."
Hmmm...I bet if you asked the boys at these 'christian' schools if secular cheerleader uniforms offended them they would say - YES...they're not revealing enough.
The camps work just like secular ones, but with devotional time added in mornings and nights. Most of the instructors are college cheerleaders who went to Christian schools when they were younger, and they're encouraged to talk about their faith. They tell campers that cheering is a God-given talent that can spread Christian lessons.
Give me a G
Give me an O
Give me a D
What's that spell?
April 22, 2005
Pleasantly Plump May Be OK
So eat all the cookies and chips and then wash it down with a Starbucks 800 calorie frappachino! The CDC says it's OK! Accroding to an article from ABC NEWS:
In public discussions about weight and health, carrying a few extra pounds is often lumped together with obesity, but these new numbers suggest that overweight individuals do not have the same health risks as obese individuals.
"The most striking data here is the remarkably consistent finding, across all [government] surveys from 1970 through 2002, that the lowest mortality risk is found in the 'overweight' category," said Paul Campos, professor of law at the University of Colorado in Boulder and author of "The Obesity Myth." "Indeed, the excess deaths in the government's so-called 'ideal weight' category are quite comparable to those in the so-called 'obese' category."
Compared to normal weight individuals, overweight was associated with 86,000 fewer deaths. But obesity was associated with 112,000 excess deaths.
Ok so it doesn't mean run right out to the ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet, but it's nice to know that becuase I have some pudge on me I won't keal over and die from heart disease so long as I try to maintain a good healthy lifestyle by instead washing my cookies down with a nice 2 mile jog!
Just realize this too it is the news so pay attention to the news becuase this could all change tomorrow! Since the new food pyramid came, we're suddenly being bombarded with lots of health and weight news stories. I just don't feel as bad now for carrying those few 'extra' pounds.
In public discussions about weight and health, carrying a few extra pounds is often lumped together with obesity, but these new numbers suggest that overweight individuals do not have the same health risks as obese individuals.
"The most striking data here is the remarkably consistent finding, across all [government] surveys from 1970 through 2002, that the lowest mortality risk is found in the 'overweight' category," said Paul Campos, professor of law at the University of Colorado in Boulder and author of "The Obesity Myth." "Indeed, the excess deaths in the government's so-called 'ideal weight' category are quite comparable to those in the so-called 'obese' category."
Compared to normal weight individuals, overweight was associated with 86,000 fewer deaths. But obesity was associated with 112,000 excess deaths.
Ok so it doesn't mean run right out to the ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet, but it's nice to know that becuase I have some pudge on me I won't keal over and die from heart disease so long as I try to maintain a good healthy lifestyle by instead washing my cookies down with a nice 2 mile jog!
Just realize this too it is the news so pay attention to the news becuase this could all change tomorrow! Since the new food pyramid came, we're suddenly being bombarded with lots of health and weight news stories. I just don't feel as bad now for carrying those few 'extra' pounds.
April 20, 2005
Call your local Bishops:
I figure everyone is putting forth their two cents on this whole Pope thing and fankly I couldn't care less but heres what everyone should do - call your local bishop and ask to instate Pope Hilarius II click here for more details on what he can do for the Catholic Church - in my opinion just what the doctor ordered!
April 19, 2005
My First Yankee Rant of the Season:
So I have a couple things I would like to get off my chest:
(1) Joe Torre (for whom I have a lot of respect) pissed me off most greatly over this past week. His comments after the Sheffield 'incident' were utterly ridiculous. "That man shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets" - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! First of all I should mention that I agree with the fan being ejected because you just can't interfere with the play of the game, however, notice in the 5 million replays that he wasn't even looking at Sheffield when he was hit, so in my opinion, he was not egregiously trying to hit him. And I love how everyone says Sheffield 'restrained' himself. It is as if they had forgotten that instead of trying to get Jason Varitek at second he turned around to belt the guy and then yes restrained himself after he threw the ball. Us Red Sox fans actually appreciate the fact he hit the guy before making a play because that gave Varitek a triple.
(2) George Steinbrenner for whom I have NO respect) pisses me off all the time. What motive for him to make his diatribe on how 'disappointed' he is in the Yankees team, blaming Joe Torre and the rest of the coaching staff, right before they go on a home stretch against none other than the Tampa Bay Devil Ray's. Is it so we get to listen to the dumb ass pundits say "wow Steinbrenner's comments really got through to them, they scored 19 runs - 13 in one inning." NO SHIT. They were playing the god damn Devil Rays - at home. Hell I could score 19 runs against the god damn Devil Rays. WTF??!!
(3) A-Rod (aka Gay-Rod) is a giant douche!
(1) Joe Torre (for whom I have a lot of respect) pissed me off most greatly over this past week. His comments after the Sheffield 'incident' were utterly ridiculous. "That man shouldn't be allowed to walk the streets" - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! First of all I should mention that I agree with the fan being ejected because you just can't interfere with the play of the game, however, notice in the 5 million replays that he wasn't even looking at Sheffield when he was hit, so in my opinion, he was not egregiously trying to hit him. And I love how everyone says Sheffield 'restrained' himself. It is as if they had forgotten that instead of trying to get Jason Varitek at second he turned around to belt the guy and then yes restrained himself after he threw the ball. Us Red Sox fans actually appreciate the fact he hit the guy before making a play because that gave Varitek a triple.
(2) George Steinbrenner for whom I have NO respect) pisses me off all the time. What motive for him to make his diatribe on how 'disappointed' he is in the Yankees team, blaming Joe Torre and the rest of the coaching staff, right before they go on a home stretch against none other than the Tampa Bay Devil Ray's. Is it so we get to listen to the dumb ass pundits say "wow Steinbrenner's comments really got through to them, they scored 19 runs - 13 in one inning." NO SHIT. They were playing the god damn Devil Rays - at home. Hell I could score 19 runs against the god damn Devil Rays. WTF??!!
(3) A-Rod (aka Gay-Rod) is a giant douche!
He Sings, He Dances, He Wins Superbowls:
In this photo provided by NBC, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady introduces a new business venture: Tom Brady's Falafel City, flanked from left, Kenan Thompson, Amy Poehler Seth Meyers and Maya Rudolph, during a skit while hosting NBC's 'Saturday Night Live' in New York, Saturday, April 16, 2005. (AP Photo/Dana Edelson, NBC Photo)
Oh Tom! I didn't actually watch this but happened to turn the channel to the scene shown above, "Tom Brady's Falafel City". He sings, he dances, who knew. He is very lucky he wins superbowls because a career in acting is NOT in his future. The sad part is The SNL cast managed to make Tom Brady look good. Oh What has happened to SNL - even the news wasn't very funny. Are they trying too hard?
I couldn't find a video feed for this but if I do I will add the link...

Oh Tom! I didn't actually watch this but happened to turn the channel to the scene shown above, "Tom Brady's Falafel City". He sings, he dances, who knew. He is very lucky he wins superbowls because a career in acting is NOT in his future. The sad part is The SNL cast managed to make Tom Brady look good. Oh What has happened to SNL - even the news wasn't very funny. Are they trying too hard?
I couldn't find a video feed for this but if I do I will add the link...
April 15, 2005
C is for Cookie

April 13, 2005
Like Oh My God - She's Having a Baby!!

April 10, 2005
A Bad Haircut:
Boys in the world wouldn't understand. This is definitely a girl thing. It has been a long time with the same look and it's time for something new. You find a picture in a magazine and think to yourself that you love that hairstyle and that is what I want my hair to look like. I don't know one girl who hasn't done it. You cut out the picture and schedule your appointment. The excitement is too much to take! In a couple of days you will look fabulous!
The day of the appointment arrives. You tell everyone you know that your getting your haircut. It's a great feeling to know that your going to be changing your blah hairstyle to something new. Your hair is washed and then the stylist starts to cut. Now this could be someone you've gone to many times or someone new (usually it is the latter situation) but they look at the picture and begin. You start seeing hair fall to the ground. A little nervous because maybe you're having second thoughts, it is after all a little drastic from your usual style. But you figure it looks fantastic in the picture it'll look fantastic on me!
The stylist is finished cutting now it's time to style, she blow dry's it and puts in some product you're watching in the mirror thinking - that's not what the picture looks like. Trying not to make faces because you don't want to give away your thoughts you smile and nod politely. All done the stylist turns you around and gives you a mirror so you can see the back. Holy Shit that is so not what I wanted you think to yourself. What have I done??!! You pay the lady and tip her well, because you will feel bad if you don't (or maybe you go there a lot or someone you know works there, etc.) and leave.
Some of us may cry, or scream or in my case stare blankly as I drive home sneaking glances in my rearview mirror. But when all is said and done it wasn't what you wanted and you HATE it. And despite the fact that your boyfriend/husband/friends all say how wonderful/nice you look - you know the real truth. You're UGLY!
This story was inspired by a conversation with Erica - We all feel your pain and thank god it will grow back!
The picture shown was my freshman year at college back in 1997 - some of you may remember well!
The day of the appointment arrives. You tell everyone you know that your getting your haircut. It's a great feeling to know that your going to be changing your blah hairstyle to something new. Your hair is washed and then the stylist starts to cut. Now this could be someone you've gone to many times or someone new (usually it is the latter situation) but they look at the picture and begin. You start seeing hair fall to the ground. A little nervous because maybe you're having second thoughts, it is after all a little drastic from your usual style. But you figure it looks fantastic in the picture it'll look fantastic on me!

The stylist is finished cutting now it's time to style, she blow dry's it and puts in some product you're watching in the mirror thinking - that's not what the picture looks like. Trying not to make faces because you don't want to give away your thoughts you smile and nod politely. All done the stylist turns you around and gives you a mirror so you can see the back. Holy Shit that is so not what I wanted you think to yourself. What have I done??!! You pay the lady and tip her well, because you will feel bad if you don't (or maybe you go there a lot or someone you know works there, etc.) and leave.
Some of us may cry, or scream or in my case stare blankly as I drive home sneaking glances in my rearview mirror. But when all is said and done it wasn't what you wanted and you HATE it. And despite the fact that your boyfriend/husband/friends all say how wonderful/nice you look - you know the real truth. You're UGLY!
This story was inspired by a conversation with Erica - We all feel your pain and thank god it will grow back!
The picture shown was my freshman year at college back in 1997 - some of you may remember well!
April 8, 2005
You and Me and Friendly's...all the live long day...
Oh my god...what a night.
CD and I get back from our run and decide to go out for dinner. We're both pretty tired and neither of us feel like cooking.
"Do you want to go to Molly's?" asks CD
"I don't know" I say "How about Friendly's then we can get free ice cream sundaes; besides there is always a long wait at Molly's."
So we venture off to Friendly's. We drive into the parking lot and the place is a zoo. We park and sit for a minute...
"Wow" I say, "There are a lot of cars, that probably means they are busy and probably will mean slow service. Do you want to stay?"
"Well we're here I mean what else would you want to do?" asked CD.
Well we didn't have anything else in mind and at that point being 6:40 most places were going to have a line. We decided to go in and check it out. No line and empty tables. We sit down right away. We know exactly what we want and we each order the new Honey BBQ Chicken Finger SuperMelt because the supermelts are what get you the free sundae. Our drinks come right away and she tells us she is going to put our order in - I'm thinking holy crap we're actaully going to get decent service from Friendly's tonight....guess what - I spoke too soon.
As a side note I should probably mention that even though we were able to sit down right away - the place was still a zoo and it was as if everyone who had kids decided to go to Friendly's. Now please don't take that as an I hate children kind of thing - becuase I don't it was just funny becuase it made Friendly's that much more frantic than usual and extra loud. But hey that is to be expected. So maybe 20 minutes later our food arives. CD was happy becuase she remembered about the Ranch Dressing. He hates condemnets and salad dressings. Sandwiches were really good. I was happy and CD was happy.
We sat there our sandwiches finished for another 10 minutes. Now we get free ice cream. We both ordered the new Owey Gooey Fudge Brownie Ice Cream me with Carmel and CD with Hot Fudge. About another 20 minutes later we get our sundaes. Guess what, they both had Hot since I am not allergic nor do I detest hot fudge I didn't really care - she even brought me a cup of caramel, although with the whipped cream it wasn't like I was going to pour it over. She also offered to get me another one but at that point we just wanted to finish and go home.
Well the waitress thought different. We waited about 15 minutes after we finished our sundaes to get our check. When she finally came by we grabbed it and ran to the cash register. WHAT? We have to wait for our waitress to cash us out??? Are you kidding me??!! Argh. Another 5 minutes the lady who was at the register yelled out back for our watiress not once but twice, she finally came by to cash us out but not before assisting another waitress with the register tape.
All in all we were at Friendly's for 2 hours...2 hours...I shit you not. Jesus Christ.
CD and I get back from our run and decide to go out for dinner. We're both pretty tired and neither of us feel like cooking.
"Do you want to go to Molly's?" asks CD
"I don't know" I say "How about Friendly's then we can get free ice cream sundaes; besides there is always a long wait at Molly's."

So we venture off to Friendly's. We drive into the parking lot and the place is a zoo. We park and sit for a minute...
"Wow" I say, "There are a lot of cars, that probably means they are busy and probably will mean slow service. Do you want to stay?"
"Well we're here I mean what else would you want to do?" asked CD.
Well we didn't have anything else in mind and at that point being 6:40 most places were going to have a line. We decided to go in and check it out. No line and empty tables. We sit down right away. We know exactly what we want and we each order the new Honey BBQ Chicken Finger SuperMelt because the supermelts are what get you the free sundae. Our drinks come right away and she tells us she is going to put our order in - I'm thinking holy crap we're actaully going to get decent service from Friendly's tonight....guess what - I spoke too soon.
As a side note I should probably mention that even though we were able to sit down right away - the place was still a zoo and it was as if everyone who had kids decided to go to Friendly's. Now please don't take that as an I hate children kind of thing - becuase I don't it was just funny becuase it made Friendly's that much more frantic than usual and extra loud. But hey that is to be expected. So maybe 20 minutes later our food arives. CD was happy becuase she remembered about the Ranch Dressing. He hates condemnets and salad dressings. Sandwiches were really good. I was happy and CD was happy.
We sat there our sandwiches finished for another 10 minutes. Now we get free ice cream. We both ordered the new Owey Gooey Fudge Brownie Ice Cream me with Carmel and CD with Hot Fudge. About another 20 minutes later we get our sundaes. Guess what, they both had Hot since I am not allergic nor do I detest hot fudge I didn't really care - she even brought me a cup of caramel, although with the whipped cream it wasn't like I was going to pour it over. She also offered to get me another one but at that point we just wanted to finish and go home.
Well the waitress thought different. We waited about 15 minutes after we finished our sundaes to get our check. When she finally came by we grabbed it and ran to the cash register. WHAT? We have to wait for our waitress to cash us out??? Are you kidding me??!! Argh. Another 5 minutes the lady who was at the register yelled out back for our watiress not once but twice, she finally came by to cash us out but not before assisting another waitress with the register tape.
All in all we were at Friendly's for 2 hours...2 hours...I shit you not. Jesus Christ.
You Say it's your Birthday:
You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you
Hey - Today my pal is the big 26! Happy Birthday Brian! For a tribute to the life of Brian click here
It's my birthday too--yeah
They say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time
I'm glad it's your birthday
Happy birthday to you
Hey - Today my pal is the big 26! Happy Birthday Brian! For a tribute to the life of Brian click here
Good Riddance:

April 7, 2005 -- He left Boston as a World Series champion, but Pedro Martinez didn't leave on good terms. Still upset with how management handled his free-agent courtship, the new Mets ace gave the ultimate diss to the Red Sox yesterday.
"If they want to keep the (World Series) ring, that's fine," Martinez told the Boston Herald.
Boston general manager Theo Epstein seemed more saddened than annoyed by the latest comments from Martinez, who often perceives something or someone is against him.
"It's his ring," Epstein said. "He earned it.
"He was a huge part of putting us in that position and a huge part of winning the World Series. He earned it, he deserved it, so that's all the comment I have."
After leaving the Sox for a better financial offer and more years with the Mets, Martinez revealed he felt jilted during his introductory press conference at Shea Stadium.
In yesterday's Herald, Martinez sounded concerned the Red Sox smeared him for the purposes of spin control.
"I can live with the business part of it, not being able to afford me, or thinking I'm not that good, but I cannot understand the part where you mistreat my name, or mistreat what I did for the city of Boston because they have to build another image of me," Martinez said from Cincinnati.
Epstein believed he had a good relationship with Martinez and said the Red Sox have nothing but good things to say about the diminutive righty, who won 117 games in Boston from 1998-2004.
"He was a dominant guy here," Epstein said. "Our franchise would not be in the position it's in today without his contribution.
"He's a Hall of Famer and did most of that with the Red Sox. So he's got a heck of a legacy with us, that's for sure."
Story from New York Post
Good riddance Pedro. You are such a punk! Enjoy the rest of your career with one of the worst teams in baseball. Too bad you won’t get any wins since your new bullpen is so bad that Levitra turned them down for a new commercial to throw a baseball through a tire. Not quite as bad as Randy Moss but keep talking…
April 7, 2005
Goodbye Nikko - I voted for you:

Paula's comments this season make me want to stick and ice picks in my ears. Here is my imitation of Paual: "Oh you sound great...Oh I love you...Oh you're such a star"
Here what I have to say to that....blech! I guess you know you really suck if she doesn't go GA GA over you. Usually then she tells the person that they look great. Wow!
Simon's comments (which usually right on) seem a little over the top this season. Like OK we like that he is the 'mean' judge so let him make up weird analogies and not say one nice thing about anyone.
Believe it or not - Randy "the DAWG" Jackson is the only judge who tells it like it is. Straight out "Yeah DAWG you were hot tonight" or "Dude that was horrible".
It seems as though all my favorites have been given the boot by America. Apparently America wants to watch Boy Band Wannabe Anthony Federov sing Climb Every Mountain - more like Climb Every Mountain and jump off the edge to put you out of your misery. How he has managed to escape elimination week after week is beyond me.
I don't know if it is the Genre's they have been picking for music or the lack of real talent that makes me change the channel for a show I once spent three nights a week making sure I could watch...but DUDE this is horrible!
April 6, 2005
Spoke to soon:
So my dream apartment in Philly is no more. The landlord decided he wanted to rent it May 1st - well we can't move until June - that wouldv'e meant an extra months rent for a place we couldn't live in - too much money - can't afford that. Maybe it is for the best - I bet that apartment has termites.
Look for more updates on this frustrating situation - another trip to Philly between now and June in the works. Which means more driving through NJ - at least we should have our EZ pass by then!
Look for more updates on this frustrating situation - another trip to Philly between now and June in the works. Which means more driving through NJ - at least we should have our EZ pass by then!
April 3, 2005
And one more thing:
Why did god create NJ? Was it to piss me off?
Here is one more reason why NJ sucks ass...
We were driving home - it was already going to be a long drive and so we get into NJ and what do we find? A flooded highway. That's right. We sat in traffic for over 45 minutes. It was pretty much moving at a snails pace - I could've walked faster. No signs or warnings explaining that we were about to drive through a friggin' river....GOD DAMN NJ.
Here is one more reason why NJ sucks ass...
We were driving home - it was already going to be a long drive and so we get into NJ and what do we find? A flooded highway. That's right. We sat in traffic for over 45 minutes. It was pretty much moving at a snails pace - I could've walked faster. No signs or warnings explaining that we were about to drive through a friggin' river....GOD DAMN NJ.
It's Official!
We found an apartment in Philly! Whoo hoo! It was a soggy weekend - pouring rain on Saturday all day - not fun. Anyway - our new place is a bi-level two bedroom apartment off of South street! I am really excited and can't wait to move in. I will not miss anything about the upper valley!!
BTW: I have a washer and dryer!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW: I have a washer and dryer!!!!!!!!!!!
April 1, 2005
The Garden State
So we arrived in Philly a little before 9pm. I was happy because we made it in time for the apprentice. I know right, I can't help it - I like bad TV it is a sickness. CD was just happy that I didn't make him watch ER with me because it was a repeat.
I rant this fine early friday morning is about the god damn Garden State. What is the deal with all the friggin' tolls?! One mile .35cent toll please, next mile .35cent toll please, I mean holy crap. And one more thing - why can't you people pump your own gas. What is the deal with that. By the time the guy came over to us I could have been done and on my way. But instead we had to sit and wait like 10 minutes. Damn you NJ.
I rant this fine early friday morning is about the god damn Garden State. What is the deal with all the friggin' tolls?! One mile .35cent toll please, next mile .35cent toll please, I mean holy crap. And one more thing - why can't you people pump your own gas. What is the deal with that. By the time the guy came over to us I could have been done and on my way. But instead we had to sit and wait like 10 minutes. Damn you NJ.
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