April 22, 2005

Pleasantly Plump May Be OK

So eat all the cookies and chips and then wash it down with a Starbucks 800 calorie frappachino! The CDC says it's OK! Accroding to an article from ABC NEWS:

In public discussions about weight and health, carrying a few extra pounds is often lumped together with obesity, but these new numbers suggest that overweight individuals do not have the same health risks as obese individuals.

"The most striking data here is the remarkably consistent finding, across all [government] surveys from 1970 through 2002, that the lowest mortality risk is found in the 'overweight' category," said Paul Campos, professor of law at the University of Colorado in Boulder and author of "The Obesity Myth." "Indeed, the excess deaths in the government's so-called 'ideal weight' category are quite comparable to those in the so-called 'obese' category."

Compared to normal weight individuals, overweight was associated with 86,000 fewer deaths. But obesity was associated with 112,000 excess deaths.

Ok so it doesn't mean run right out to the ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet, but it's nice to know that becuase I have some pudge on me I won't keal over and die from heart disease so long as I try to maintain a good healthy lifestyle by instead washing my cookies down with a nice 2 mile jog!

Just realize this too it is the news so pay attention to the news becuase this could all change tomorrow! Since the new food pyramid came, we're suddenly being bombarded with lots of health and weight news stories. I just don't feel as bad now for carrying those few 'extra' pounds.

1 comment:

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

The food pyramid is such a scam. And who made the Egyptians the diet know it alls?