June 23, 2005

Can't Sleep - Decided to Blog:

So I freinquently visit a site called Shamus's Issues. His latest post "Don't Say You Weren't Warned" got me thinking again about how stupid people really are. Now if you spill hot coffee on yourself and you get burned - what did you really think was going to happen? How is it that some dumbass women iback in 1994 was awarded 2.9 million dollars becuase she spilt it on herself? I found an archive article here if you wish to read up on it.

It's coffee - it is supposed to be hot - I would be pissed if it wasn't and guess what when something is hot it's gonna burn - how mentally incapacitated does one have to be to need a warning label explaining that it's hot and it could burn if you spill it on yourself. I read a forward once in college about how stupid people should have to be forced to wear a sign. I think I will write my senetor Rick "The Pantywaist" Santorum* and see about making that a new law. I also have friends in Law School right now - what would they have to say about all this?

If Wilbanks gets a book for cold feet and 81 year old women gets 2.9 becuase hot coffee is hot - I think I am in the wrong business.

There I feel a little better now...thanks Shamus for the laugh at the expense of mankind.

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