Huricane Katrina basically demolished several cities in the New Orleans region - leaving thousands upon thousands of people without electricity, clean water and in some cases homeless. But that isn't what is important here as I saw this article on my Yahoo Entertaiment News - Katrina's Wrath Hits Hollywood.
Hurricane Katrina's assault on the Big Easy is having repercussions in Hollywood.
In the aftermath of the devastating storm that authorities fear left hundreds dead, flooded more than 80 percent of downtown New Orleans, and ravaged the Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama basins has caused several productions in the region to shut down.
Two Disney films were forced to evacuate New Orleans before the hurricane made landfall: Deja Vu, starring Denzel Washington, and The Guardian, with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher. The Los Angeles Times reports that the studio hired a charter jet Saturday and flew 70 crew members out of the city and back to Los Angeles before the monster storm slammed into the Gulf coast.
So next time a natural disaster hits your area - make sure you think about the hollywood movies that were forced to be shut down and postponed because of total devistation. Screw the Red Cross, we need to be sending our tax dollars and money to the poor actors who have to go back to their multi-million dollar estates in Los Angelos, CA.
August 31, 2005
August 29, 2005
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun*:

We started off slow with a drink at a club called Our House. Then it was off to Joey and Maria's Comedy Italian Wedding. Good food, good show and some interesting happenings. The Bachelorette (aka The Princess Bride) was accessorized with a bachelorette tiara, white feather boa and wearing the shortest skirt known to man - and there were several men trying to get to "know" it better. After the show we moved onto the Limelight for some karaoke. Nice place but the bar was really lame - it was basically only beer and wine. I was underwhelmed - but the singing was fun and we rocked the house.
Next we decided to see about getting into the Liquor Store - apparently they have a mechanical bull - when we got there the lines were way too long and since Boston closes so early we couldn't wait around. We took to the streets to work on the Bachelorette's scavenger hunt. At this point she still needed a picture on a sports car among some other things. Once most of the list was finished we stopped by a pub to get some more to alcohol. NO LONG ISLAND ICED TEA!! I couldn't believe it. Ah well a kamikaze shot it is and the weakest Malibu Bay Breeze ever. As we sat drinking Miss Bachelorette realized there was one more thing on the list we just had to get and that was a stamp from a strip club.
Boston only has Chippendale's on Friday nights so we would have to settle for a regular strip club. Centerfold's was a couple blocks away but it was already 1:45am and they close at 2am. She hailed a cab and we rushed as fast as we could, but we were too late. Last call was at 1:45am. We sat outside the club waiting for the rest of the girls to meet us and begged the bouncer to let us in. All we wanted was a stamp or ticket so she can check it off her list.
Nothing like Pabst Blue Ribbon to end a fantastic evening! I have to say since it was my first time playing, I was pretty good - I can't wait to play again! 4:45am and time to go home - it is Monday night and I am still recovering.
*For the unedited version of this story - please log in and enter credit card number.
August 27, 2005
Wild On
Girls night out tonight!! So last night out for the Princess Bride. As you can see there are only 7 days before the wedding extravaganza. Boston isn't going to know what hit them as ten twenty something's parade the bride to be all around town. If you happen to see a group of girls and one is all dressed up with bridal decorations - buy her a drink. It's her last night of freedom!
August 24, 2005
Upcoming Events:
Two more work days until my vacation. It is going to be a fun filled week as we head back to NH. Let's see there is a Bachelorette Party on Saturday, Sunday will be for recovery from Bachelorette Party,
Monday we will visit with family as we stay at the in-laws (what can I say it's free), Tuesday we head to Lebanon, NH where we will meet up with my old boss and visit with some old co-workers, Wednesday is PFL FANTASY FOOTBALL DRAFT NIGHT. Pictured is our league trophy "The Drew Box" currently in my possession as the current champion. Then Thursday is a free day of relaxation before we head to Springfield, MA for the main event - The Princess Bride's Wedding Spectacular!! That is on Saturday - then Sunday is THE GREATEST DAY OF THE YEAR - it's my birthday!! That's right those in blogger land - mark your calendars - September 4th - I will be 26 (on a side note - one month and a day after that is I.A.'s birthday - he wants a voltron...for me, cold hard cash in small unmarked bills).

August 23, 2005
Too Hot to Handle

August 22, 2005
Eatin' at the Cart
My dilemma: well because the food is so amazing and I love food - I have to get my ass out of bed at 5:30am to catch the 5:57am bus so I can get to the gym and work off all this fantastic food that I am eating (yeah I know I can go after work - but I am so exhausted I just want to go home)
Hey, Philly isn't the third fattest city in the country for nothing you know.
August 21, 2005
Blogger Spam:
Is this happening to you? I wake up this am and check my blog realized I made a typo because instead of choosing ignore on the spell check I must have clicked replace - that was annoying - then I see that I have 9 comments - I was like yeah right - like that many people read this blog...I saw 6 anonymous comments all telling me to go pray and consolidate my debt. The other day I had a comment that was like about the environment. WTF??!!
August 20, 2005
I did not know:
So I am bored tonight - the Doc is on call I am currently watching a re-run of Law and Order: SVU and googling all the people I is some interesting findings. I mean you think you know someone:
Brian - apparently wrote for the Conan O'Brien show.
How come you never told us?! Hey Barbara...I have something to say to suck!
Brian - apparently wrote for the Conan O'Brien show.
How come you never told us?! Hey Barbara...I have something to say to suck!
August 17, 2005
Just Diddy:
"I felt like the 'P' was getting between me and my fans and now we're closer," Diddy said.
"During concerts, half the crowd is saying 'P. Diddy'--half the crowd is chanting 'Diddy'--now everybody can just chant 'Diddy.' "
He confessed that his unwieldy name was even starting to befuddle him.
"I even started to get confused myself--and when I'd called someone on the telephone it took me a long time to explain who I was. Too long," Diddy told the New York Post.
"One word. Five letters. Period," he added.
Well I don't know about you but I am glad we have cleared that up.
August 15, 2005
The Douchebag of Liberty:

In a heated argument on the CNN show Inside Edition Robert Novak said bull shit and walked off the set mid show. Not taking cues from the competition (MSNBC) CNN thought it would be best if he took some time off. Robert Novak is famous for outing a covert CIA agent after decrying those leaking government secrets. He is also another Crossfire reject - coincidence?
August 14, 2005
It's Like Thunder...Lightning:

20mph because you couldn't see two feet in front of you - lighting bolts striking all the way down to the ground off to the sides and in front of me. It was interesting drive to say the least but I had my new I-Pod car adapter so I was able to listen to all my tunes! I am home safe and sound so until my next venture to NH.
August 13, 2005
I "LOVE" this Guy:

Tucker Carlson, who is most famous for his bow ties and his showdown with Jon Stewart on the now canceled CNN show Crossfire, is at it again. His new target - Greenpeace.
After the demise of the 'debate' show Crossfire, using the term debate show loosely, MSNBC offered Tucker the opportunity to be the host of his own show The Situation with Tucker Carlson. I cannot say much about the show because I have never watched it nor will I ever watch it, but I can say that he is up to his old tricks again:
On the June 22 edition of The Situation, Carlson, during a discussion about nuclear power, praised France's energy policies, and called himself "objectively pro-France."
"You know, France blew up the Rainbow Warrior, that Greenpeace ship in Auckland Harbor in the '80s. And I've always respected them...," Carlson said, per MSNBC transcripts of the show.
Interjected guest and Air America talk host Rachel Maddow, "That made you like them?"
Said Carlson: "Yes. Yes. It won me over."
As if being called a dick on national television wasn't enough for this guy. Greenpeace is calling for MSNBC to fire him and cancel his show arguing that his comments can be linked to promoting terrorism. MSNBC had this to say:
In a statement Friday, MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines said, "In no way did Tucker Carlson condone terrorism. Tucker's show is an opinion program and the opinions expressed are his and not those of MSNBC."
Opinion or not MSNBC, he is still a host of a show on your network. In any case I am all for firing this bow tie wearing prick- where is the petition and where do I sign.
August 9, 2005
The Name Game:
I know I ask a lot from my fellow bloggers to refer to me as Princess Sophia but hey it worked for Sting. Anyway the reason is two fold:
(1) The Doc really wants to be anonymous and if we start using our real names we would have to kill you. That is why when you see pictures of us he looks like the Wal-Mart smiley face - I hope you didn't really think that was him!!
(2) I write about my personal views which not everyone in blogger land would agree with and I don't want people knocking on my door saying "HEY!!"
That is all and don't forget to vote for everyone's favorite podcast:
Dun da da da: The Iyaz and Lucy Show at Podcast Alley
(1) The Doc really wants to be anonymous and if we start using our real names we would have to kill you. That is why when you see pictures of us he looks like the Wal-Mart smiley face - I hope you didn't really think that was him!!
(2) I write about my personal views which not everyone in blogger land would agree with and I don't want people knocking on my door saying "HEY!!"
That is all and don't forget to vote for everyone's favorite podcast:
Dun da da da: The Iyaz and Lucy Show at Podcast Alley
August 8, 2005
Bored in Philly How about You?
So the Doc is on call tonight and I am sitting here listening to the Iyaz and Lucy Show. I am bored and all alone...I do have a busy weekend coming up though. I am heading back to NH for the weekend. The Doc is - you guessed it - on call again.
It should be a lot of fun and jam packed - I have a wedding shower for a very good friend of mine from high school (who funny enough is marrying the guy who I had a crush on in the third grade - small world sometimes) and a house warming party for Stack Master B (who funny enough bought a house up the road from my in-laws - small world sometimes). Saturday night I will meet up with another friend (the girl who lived across the street from me growing up) for dinner in Manchester and then from there we will head to New Boston where my parents camp is to visit them, my sister and my nephew, my aunt and cousins, my friends mom and I think that is it. After that I will spend the night at my in-law's where I will wake up early and chat for a bit with my mother-in-law before taking the 6 hour drive back to Phila, PA.
But for now I will just have to sit here and watch bad TV while I await my exciting weekend.
It should be a lot of fun and jam packed - I have a wedding shower for a very good friend of mine from high school (who funny enough is marrying the guy who I had a crush on in the third grade - small world sometimes) and a house warming party for Stack Master B (who funny enough bought a house up the road from my in-laws - small world sometimes). Saturday night I will meet up with another friend (the girl who lived across the street from me growing up) for dinner in Manchester and then from there we will head to New Boston where my parents camp is to visit them, my sister and my nephew, my aunt and cousins, my friends mom and I think that is it. After that I will spend the night at my in-law's where I will wake up early and chat for a bit with my mother-in-law before taking the 6 hour drive back to Phila, PA.
But for now I will just have to sit here and watch bad TV while I await my exciting weekend.
August 7, 2005
I didn't think it was possible:
The Doc and I have found a highway that is worse than driving on I-89 and I-91 in Vermont. I didn't think it was possible that there would be a highway worse but we found it. I-84 and I-476 in northern Pennsylvania up near Scranton. It's pretty much the most boring highway ever and there was no escape - there are no exits.
August 5, 2005
The Iyaz and Lucy Show:
So I have finally been able to listen to the Iyaz and Lucy Show and it's pretty funny. My only complaint would be not enough talk about Princess Sophia. I mean who wouldn't want to hear all about me...right! (wink, wink) Yes I believe an 'About Princess Sophia' segment is just what the Iyaz and Lucy Show needs...I shall be waiting. Check it out - they should have new episodes out soon!
2008 Too Far Away:

August 4, 2005
August 3, 2005
At Last:
It took two months to find it but we found it at last. What did we find? Well only the GREATEST Mexican restaurant of all time. El Azteca on 7th and Chestnut Streets. It was amazing. The best Chimichanga I have ever hand and yes Benny that includes La Lomita Dos. To top it all off the Doc and I celebrated our third anniversary with some fried ice cream. Mmmmm.
August 2, 2005
Oh Back to School, Back to School...
When your company offers 100% (unlimited up to two classes a semester) tuition reimbursement - take full advantage. First thing on the list is prepare to study and take the GMAT - I should receive my GMAT study guide book from Amazon tomorrow and start plugging away - hopefully this will get me ready so I can start applying for programs in the spring.
I am going to study accounting. Even though it isn't required that it be work related - I really like accounting and I am pretty good at it. I haven't done any work related to my degree in over four years so it will be a fun adventure and career change!
I can't say I am excited about taking a standardized test - I always thought after the SAT's I was done - but like I said when your company offers 100% (unlimited up to two classes a semester) tuition reimbursement - it would be just silly to pass it up - and since all these programs require the GMAT - I really don't have a choice!
I am going to study accounting. Even though it isn't required that it be work related - I really like accounting and I am pretty good at it. I haven't done any work related to my degree in over four years so it will be a fun adventure and career change!
I can't say I am excited about taking a standardized test - I always thought after the SAT's I was done - but like I said when your company offers 100% (unlimited up to two classes a semester) tuition reimbursement - it would be just silly to pass it up - and since all these programs require the GMAT - I really don't have a choice!
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