August 2, 2005

Oh Back to School, Back to School...

When your company offers 100% (unlimited up to two classes a semester) tuition reimbursement - take full advantage. First thing on the list is prepare to study and take the GMAT - I should receive my GMAT study guide book from Amazon tomorrow and start plugging away - hopefully this will get me ready so I can start applying for programs in the spring.

I am going to study accounting. Even though it isn't required that it be work related - I really like accounting and I am pretty good at it. I haven't done any work related to my degree in over four years so it will be a fun adventure and career change!

I can't say I am excited about taking a standardized test - I always thought after the SAT's I was done - but like I said when your company offers 100% (unlimited up to two classes a semester) tuition reimbursement - it would be just silly to pass it up - and since all these programs require the GMAT - I really don't have a choice!

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