April 10, 2010

38 Weeks: Nesting?!

So here I am at 38 weeks with the BIGGEST belly ever. It's seriously impressive. I would love to have this baby right now. I fear that if I go too much longer I'll be pushing out a TODDLER!

I have started to think about all the things that should get done before Evan's debut. Like having a clean and organized house for once. This what is referred to in the pregnancy world as "nesting". So on Wednesday my Mom came down to watch the boys while I went to my weekly NST. While I was gone she swept my floors, did all the dishes, cleaned the counter tops and the stove and had the boys pick up their toys. The place looked so nice when I got back!

On Friday, MIL came down to organize and fold all of the laundry I washed, because while I have no issues with the washing and drying part, I HATE to fold and put away. She also cleaned up the boys room and washed out the sink and took the trash down to the garage. It was so nice to have everything neat and organized after she left!

Today's to-do list was to clean out the van, wash and clean all car seat covers, move David's car seat to the back row and set up the infant carrier. Charlie spent a good hour and half outside this afternoon taking care of that entire list. My van looks awesome and it's ready to go for whenever Evan decides to join us!

So here is the million dollar question; Can I still call it nesting if I wasn't the one who did any of the work?

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