April 6, 2010

Easter 2010

We hope that everyone had a great Easter and that the Bunny was good to you. This year the Doc had to take call over the weekend so he sadly missed all our festivities, but we made the best of it and had a great weekend. First on Saturday we had our big annual Easter Party at the Rec center. The Easter Bunny made an appearance which David loved and Shaun, not so much!

David smiling nice for the camera!

Shaun playing

Shaun saying "cheese" for the camera!

David with the Easter Bunny (Shaun wouldn't eve go near him...oh well!)

That night after we colored eggs. Shaun was old enough to participate this year and had a blast dropping eggs into the colored water.

Sunday the boys were up bright and early and found the goodies that the Easter Bunny had left them. We didn't have a lot of time because we needed to head out to NH so that we could have an Egg Hunt at Omi's house before heading over to church.

The Goodies!

Finding eggs at Omi's house!

Outside after Easter Service at the Atkinson Congregational Church

After church we then headed over to Grammy's & Papa's for a ham dinner and another Egg Hunt with all the cousins! It was such a beautiful day and the kids had a lot of fun playing outside!

Our attempt at getting all the kids to sit still for a picture!

Getting ready for the egg hunt!

On your mark, get set...GO!

It was my last trip to NH until after Evan's arrival so it was great to be able to spend it with all the family!

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