April 16, 2010

39 Weeks: Insert Jeopardy Theme Music Here

One week, 7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes (you get the picture) until Evan's official due date, and here we are, still waiting. I don't know why I thought this would go down any differently, but for some reason I was feeling really good about the chances of an early arrival. I suppose if he decides to grace us with his presence in the next 168 hours, he'd still be early but I won't be holding my breath!

Having never gone into labor on my own (the last two times I was induced), I still don't know what to expect when, and if, labor begins. I have been trying not to get my hopes up every time I feel something going on, but it's hard! From what I have heard and read, I'll know when it's the real thing so until then we wait. If Evan decides to be late to his own party, we'll be scheduling the induction for around 41 weeks.

I had my weekly NST on Wednesday and everything was perfect as it has been the previous two tests. He's very responsive and all fluid levels are in check. After the test I headed over to have one last ultrasound, and while I enjoy the ultrasounds, I am ready to see him in person! The ultrasound tech has estimated his weight at 8lbs 5oz. When I asked her how accurate the estimates are, she said very! Oy vey!! I am hoping she is wrong because he he waits another two weeks I very well may be correct in my "pushing out a toddler" statement in my last post.

Thanks to modern technology (my android smart phone and the hospital wi-fi) I will be able to keep everyone updated on the status of Evans arrival. You will all be the first to know!

Here is our last 3D shot of Evan, he was playing peek-a-boo and covering his face:

1 comment:

Our Beautiful Life said...

"From what I have heard and read, I'll know when it's the real thing so until then we wait"

Pam, I went into labor on my own with Matthew and I had NO CLUE until I was hooked up for a NST and the nurse said to me, "You do know you're in labor, right?" and I was like, "haha! Yeah right!" I suppose if your water breaks you'll know, but otherwise...
Good luck! I'm sending you lots of labor vibes!