Last nights show was by far the best of the three so far. This week we saw some favorites tank and some underdogs step it up. I hope that voters take into consideration past performances, as I do, into consideration when dialing those numbers!
Below is my review in no particular order:
1. Michael Lynche: song - Ready for Love
This was by far my favorite performance by him in all of the weeks that I have watched him. Really solid and I love him with the guitar.
2. Didi Benami: song - What Becomes of the Broken Hearted
It's so hard when your favorite contestant lets you down, but that was one of her worst performances. I LOVE her and her voice but that was a very, very bad song choice, which did nothing to showcase her true talent. For a change I actually agreed with Kara, she seems to be stepping away from what makes her great and a stand out from all the other contestants. Hopefully she'll listen to the judges and go back to her guitar and just sing. She's been good enough all along that I don't think this will hurt her, but it might if she continues to be something she is not.
3. Casey James: song - Hold On, I'm Comin'
On a performance level, I thought it was really cool to watch. It was fun and energetic and probably his best vocal so far. Having said that, I am still not on the Casey bandwagon. I was nodding my head with Ellen, when she said it was generic doing the same thing week to week.
4. Andrew Garcia: song - Forever
I LOVED this performance! It was my second favorite of the night! I am so happy he was given a couple more weeks to get there, because he did last night and a very big way!! I hope that people continue to give him chances and he doesn't blow it if he's around next week! I think he will be!
5. Katie Stevens: song - Chain of Fools
This was definitely her best vocal, but I found the whole performance awkward for her. With the exception of last week she and her outfits she's very old fashioned. She wasn't the worst of the night but it wasn't one of my favorites.
6. Tim Urban: song - Sweet Love
This poor kid. I am starting to feel really bad for him. Ellen is right to call him adorable because he's got that "super nice guy" smile, but his voice doesn't hold water when you compare him to the other contestants. On a positive note, it was WAY better than last week.
7. Sibohan Magnus: song - Through the Fire
It hurts me to type this but, this was probably the worst performance of the night. I agree with the judges that even great contestants have bad nights. I was shocked because she is usually quite in tune and the verses were all over the place. It was a terrible song choice and while I don't think she has to worry, she is going to want rethink things and try and get back to what she did when she sang Paint it Black in week one.
8. Lee DeWyze: song - Treat Her Like A Lady
BEST PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT! Can I get a HELL YA?! Finally he proved to himself and the judges that he too can have a moment. He has, in my opinion, the best vocals in the competition. What he lacked was the confidence of some of the other front runners! I was so pumped for him after that performance and I hope he remembers exactly what he did right and continue to doing it!!
9. Aaron Kelly: song - Ain't No Sunshine
This poor kid has what I now refer to as the Kris Allen Effect (last years winner). I couldn't ever watch him preform because he made funny faces and just rubbed me the wrong way. I get the same feeling with this kid (minus the porn stache of course!). This was probably his best vocal but I still don't get it. When compared to Lee, Mike and Casey who are all musicians this kid is just a nice boy who can sing nice songs.
10. Crystal Bowersox: song - Midnight Train to Georgia
I rank this my third favorite of the night. I liked that she mixed it up with the Piano. I agree with Simon that she doesn't really need to change because frankly she really is the only one who KNOWS who she is. However, I also don't want to see her week after week doing the same thing, so I was glad to see her change it up. I didn't even mind the back up vocalists.
My predictions for tonights bottom three:
1. Tim
2. Katie
3. Siobhan (strictly based on last night and I wouldn't count out Didi)
Contestant most likely to sing their Swan Song and be sent packing:
Tim...this poor kid is by far the weakest link left now.
March 31, 2010
March 27, 2010
The 9th Month!
As you can see in the picture to the right I got my hair cut and colored! Today I had a lovely day of pampering that included a morning pedicure, lunch, hair appointment, shopping and dinner with my cousin. It was a much needed "me" day! It is nice to have the opportunity to decompress every now and then.
I will now be going to the doctors weekly and I will also be going in for a couple of NST's (non-stress tests) which are routine for someone in my condition (you remember, old and fat!). For now we are in the hurry up and wait mode and while my bets are on a scheduled induction after my due date, this is baby number three and therefore perhaps I may just get lucky and have one on time for a change!
And speaking of bets, don't forget to place yours in the baby pool. Just click on the link to the right and enter your guess. Remeber you don't need to have an account to make a guess. Even David made a guess, and he had so much fun doing it, he wanted to make more guesses!
March 24, 2010
AI: #1 Billboard Hits
With the contestants choosing #1 songs from the the Top 100 Billboard charts I have to say I was pretty underwhelmed by the selections. Last weeks show was a million times better and I am not that big a Stones fan. I did disagree with some of the criticism of a few contestants but over all was in agreement that song choice killed them. I turned off last nights show with a bad taste in my mouth, thinking that whoever is advising these contestants about their song choices needs to be F-I-R-E-D!
Below is my review in no particular order:
1. Michael Lynche: song - When a Man Loves a Woman
As I sated last week, I really like his falsetto and he does have a great voice. That being said, I HATE that song and he didn't make me like it any more even with his, nice boy smile. I agreed with the judges when they argued that it was a tad over the top. When compared with the nights other performances though this one was one of the better ones.
2. Didi Benami: song - You're No Good
Apparently the judges and I were listening to different performances because I really liked it. I LOVE her voice. She is my favorite contestant, and so I can admit that perhaps I am a little biased but I don't think it was as bad as the judges said. It wasn't her best or the best of the night but I still really liked it a lot, especially when you compare it to the other contestants. It amuses me that the judges will tear you a new one for doing the same thing week to week, and then tear you a new one when you go outside the box and do something a little different.
3. Casey James: song - Power of Love
I said exactly what Simon had said before he even said it. It was a more than OK copycat performance of a famous 80's song. I don't know what the heck Kara was listening to, he in NO WAY shape for form made that song his own. I'd argue he sounded EXACTLY like Huey Lewis. That is not a bad thing, because certainly has a good voice, but that was no STAR QUALITY performance Kara. I still don't get it.
4. Andrew Garcia: song - I Heard It Through the Grapevine
I really love the tone of his voice, and I felt it came through more tonight in his rendition of this Marvin Gaye #1 hit, but I think his days are now numbered. He wasn't the worst, in my opinion, but people are probably done giving him chances. I don't know what happened to him. He has one of the better voices out of all the men.
5. Katie Stevens: song - Big Girl's Don't Cry
She is getting better with her song choices but she cannot compete with the likes of Crystal, Siobhan and Didi. I think she is starting to find her way with who she is but her performance last night was good, not great or amazing. She is lucky that Paige didn't sing a single note in tune.
6. Tim Urban: song - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
That wins the award for cheesiest performance of the night, add that to his very weak vocals and he's in a lot of trouble. He has a nice voice but he's not a superstar.
7. Sibohan Magnus: song - Superstition
That was crazy good. She is just so insane, in a good way! It wasn't nearly as good as last week, but she continues to wow me. Though, that isn't saying much with the performances this week.
8. Lee DeWyze: song - The Letter
I wasn't nuts about his song choice. I did however like that he came across as more confident and I swear I saw a smile! It was fun to watch but again not saying much with this weeks train wrecks! His vocals are still the best of the guys and he continues to sound better and look better on stage every week.
9. Paige Miles: song - Against All Odds
Last week she was forgettable, this week I can't get that train wreck out of my head. That seriously has to be the WORST performance I have seen on idol, probably ever. I felt so bad for her, she didn't sing ONE note in tune. It was so out of tune a tone deaf person would have been able to pick up on it. It was also a terrible arrangement of the song. She should be packing her bags.
10. Aaron Kelly: song - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
COME ON! Are you kidding me. First off, in my book, he lost points for song choice. Even my all time favorite contestant, David Cook, couldn't get me to like this song so teeny bopper, weirdo Aaron certainly won't. This kid leaves me scratching my head every week. Will someone please tell me what I am missing with him. He sing nice copy cat versions of all his songs. Why don't the judges tell him to "change it up" or "make it his own". For some reason, that I cannot for the life of me figure out, people like him which means, unfortunately for me, that he'll continue to be around. Ugh.
11. Crystal Bowersox: song - Me and Bobby McGee
BEST OF THE NIGHT. Which again is not saying much in this week of train wrecks, but her rendition of this Janis Joplin hit was unreal! To use a Randy-ism, it is one of my favorite songs of all time, and I just loved everything about it.
My predictions for tonights bottom three:
1. Paige
2. Andrew
3. Tim
Contestant most likely to sing their Swan Song and be sent packing:
Paige...and if it's not then I don't know anymore!
Below is my review in no particular order:
1. Michael Lynche: song - When a Man Loves a Woman
As I sated last week, I really like his falsetto and he does have a great voice. That being said, I HATE that song and he didn't make me like it any more even with his, nice boy smile. I agreed with the judges when they argued that it was a tad over the top. When compared with the nights other performances though this one was one of the better ones.
2. Didi Benami: song - You're No Good
Apparently the judges and I were listening to different performances because I really liked it. I LOVE her voice. She is my favorite contestant, and so I can admit that perhaps I am a little biased but I don't think it was as bad as the judges said. It wasn't her best or the best of the night but I still really liked it a lot, especially when you compare it to the other contestants. It amuses me that the judges will tear you a new one for doing the same thing week to week, and then tear you a new one when you go outside the box and do something a little different.
3. Casey James: song - Power of Love
I said exactly what Simon had said before he even said it. It was a more than OK copycat performance of a famous 80's song. I don't know what the heck Kara was listening to, he in NO WAY shape for form made that song his own. I'd argue he sounded EXACTLY like Huey Lewis. That is not a bad thing, because certainly has a good voice, but that was no STAR QUALITY performance Kara. I still don't get it.
4. Andrew Garcia: song - I Heard It Through the Grapevine
I really love the tone of his voice, and I felt it came through more tonight in his rendition of this Marvin Gaye #1 hit, but I think his days are now numbered. He wasn't the worst, in my opinion, but people are probably done giving him chances. I don't know what happened to him. He has one of the better voices out of all the men.
5. Katie Stevens: song - Big Girl's Don't Cry
She is getting better with her song choices but she cannot compete with the likes of Crystal, Siobhan and Didi. I think she is starting to find her way with who she is but her performance last night was good, not great or amazing. She is lucky that Paige didn't sing a single note in tune.
6. Tim Urban: song - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
That wins the award for cheesiest performance of the night, add that to his very weak vocals and he's in a lot of trouble. He has a nice voice but he's not a superstar.
7. Sibohan Magnus: song - Superstition
That was crazy good. She is just so insane, in a good way! It wasn't nearly as good as last week, but she continues to wow me. Though, that isn't saying much with the performances this week.
8. Lee DeWyze: song - The Letter
I wasn't nuts about his song choice. I did however like that he came across as more confident and I swear I saw a smile! It was fun to watch but again not saying much with this weeks train wrecks! His vocals are still the best of the guys and he continues to sound better and look better on stage every week.
9. Paige Miles: song - Against All Odds
Last week she was forgettable, this week I can't get that train wreck out of my head. That seriously has to be the WORST performance I have seen on idol, probably ever. I felt so bad for her, she didn't sing ONE note in tune. It was so out of tune a tone deaf person would have been able to pick up on it. It was also a terrible arrangement of the song. She should be packing her bags.
10. Aaron Kelly: song - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing
COME ON! Are you kidding me. First off, in my book, he lost points for song choice. Even my all time favorite contestant, David Cook, couldn't get me to like this song so teeny bopper, weirdo Aaron certainly won't. This kid leaves me scratching my head every week. Will someone please tell me what I am missing with him. He sing nice copy cat versions of all his songs. Why don't the judges tell him to "change it up" or "make it his own". For some reason, that I cannot for the life of me figure out, people like him which means, unfortunately for me, that he'll continue to be around. Ugh.
11. Crystal Bowersox: song - Me and Bobby McGee
BEST OF THE NIGHT. Which again is not saying much in this week of train wrecks, but her rendition of this Janis Joplin hit was unreal! To use a Randy-ism, it is one of my favorite songs of all time, and I just loved everything about it.
My predictions for tonights bottom three:
1. Paige
2. Andrew
3. Tim
Contestant most likely to sing their Swan Song and be sent packing:
Paige...and if it's not then I don't know anymore!
March 22, 2010
Long Island Long Weekend!
As my previous post stated, we spent some of the past long weekend in NY. It was a great time, and the boys loved spending time with G.G. and swimming in the hotel pool. And the icing on the cake was the gorgeous Spring weather!
We arrived on Thursday night and met up for dinner with G.G. and then she came with us back to our hotel to watch the boys go swimming.

Then it was off to bed so the boys could be rested for our fun day at the Bronx Zoo. We woke up early and headed over G.G.'s house for breakfast and then we were off. Since the zoo is still on Winter hours some of the exhibits were closed, but we still had lots to see and the boys had a blast running around. I think their favorite part was the Bug Carousel!
David at the Zoo entrance:

Shaun running to the next exhibit:

Checking out the animals:

The Bug Carousel:

After the zoo we dropped headed back to the hotel for a quick swim and then it was back to G.G.'s for dinner and dessert! We headed back to the hotel for a good night sleep because we would be meeting up with some of the Doc's extended family.
After a lovely brunch (which included NY Bagels - YUM!) with the extended family we packed up the car and headed to Jones Beach. It was a gorgeous sunny day but the ocean breeze kept the temperature in the mid-60's. Shaun and I even walked down to the water and stuck our toes in. It was FREEZING and Shaun didn't really like it very much!
The boys having fun in the sand:

HUGE hole!

Shaun preferred to eat his sand! (I wish I was kidding...sigh!)

Cool Shades!

After the beach we headed over to the Cheesecake Factory for an early dinner. It was so yummy and we were all so full that we ordered our cheesecake to go and headed back to G.G.'s house so the boys could ride their bikes and play outside.

After our dessert we headed back to the hotel for one last swim before checking out in the morning. The boys still talk about missing the pool! Shaun was very sad when we packed up his swim vest.
Shaun getting the hang of it
David's BIG splash!

After a hearty breakfast the Sunday morning, we hugged G.G. goodbye and hit the road home. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to get away before Evan's arrival!
We arrived on Thursday night and met up for dinner with G.G. and then she came with us back to our hotel to watch the boys go swimming.
Then it was off to bed so the boys could be rested for our fun day at the Bronx Zoo. We woke up early and headed over G.G.'s house for breakfast and then we were off. Since the zoo is still on Winter hours some of the exhibits were closed, but we still had lots to see and the boys had a blast running around. I think their favorite part was the Bug Carousel!
David at the Zoo entrance:
Shaun running to the next exhibit:
Checking out the animals:
The Bug Carousel:
After the zoo we dropped headed back to the hotel for a quick swim and then it was back to G.G.'s for dinner and dessert! We headed back to the hotel for a good night sleep because we would be meeting up with some of the Doc's extended family.
After a lovely brunch (which included NY Bagels - YUM!) with the extended family we packed up the car and headed to Jones Beach. It was a gorgeous sunny day but the ocean breeze kept the temperature in the mid-60's. Shaun and I even walked down to the water and stuck our toes in. It was FREEZING and Shaun didn't really like it very much!
The boys having fun in the sand:
HUGE hole!
Shaun preferred to eat his sand! (I wish I was kidding...sigh!)
Cool Shades!
After the beach we headed over to the Cheesecake Factory for an early dinner. It was so yummy and we were all so full that we ordered our cheesecake to go and headed back to G.G.'s house so the boys could ride their bikes and play outside.
After our dessert we headed back to the hotel for one last swim before checking out in the morning. The boys still talk about missing the pool! Shaun was very sad when we packed up his swim vest.
Shaun getting the hang of it
David's BIG splash!
After a hearty breakfast the Sunday morning, we hugged G.G. goodbye and hit the road home. It was a lot of fun and it was nice to get away before Evan's arrival!
March 21, 2010
35 Weeks + Hotel Pool = BLISS!
Since I am almost 9 months pregnant, and there was no way I was going to fit in my regular bathing suit, I had to purchase a maternity one. I wasn't very thrilled about it but I also knew the pool would feel lovely, so I sucked it up!
Turns out it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, and what better excuse to look fat in a bathing suit than to have a GIANT BABY BELLY! You can see the top to the bathing suit in the picture on the right.
Well I was right about the pool. It was very nice. It was a small pool but it was the perfect size for the boys and it felt nice to be weightless for a change! All the walking around we did this weekend did a number on my ankles (er...I mean CANKLES!)
It is hard to believe that we have 5 weeks left, and I have to be honest, my fingers are crossed that Evan decides to arrive at least on time. So don't forget to place your bet in the baby pool. Remember a nice shiny nickel and (most importantly) bragging rights are at stake!
March 18, 2010
Baby Evan in 3D
Yesterday we had another ultrasound and got to see Baby Evan on the "TV". I had one done about 6 weeks ago but he wasn't very cooperative so we never got a nice profile picture. I was really hoping for one this time but again he was being stubborn and sugar I had prior to the scan did nothing to make him move his hands out of his face. She was able to get this 3D profile. It's not great but you can make out some facial features.

While she was measuring his head she pointed out to me that he has hair! No wonder my heartburn has increasingly gotten worse over the last two weeks. Of course we won't really know until he makes his grand entrance into the world but it was neat to see on the monitor.
They have estimated that Evan is about 5lbs 8oz right now, and of course the Doc says that those estimates are not very reliable and to figure plus or minus 1 pound. I was just happy to hear that everything is right on schedule and he's looking good! Assuming I don't go into labor early (which we know doesn't happen for me!), I'll have one more ulstrasound on April 14th.

While she was measuring his head she pointed out to me that he has hair! No wonder my heartburn has increasingly gotten worse over the last two weeks. Of course we won't really know until he makes his grand entrance into the world but it was neat to see on the monitor.
They have estimated that Evan is about 5lbs 8oz right now, and of course the Doc says that those estimates are not very reliable and to figure plus or minus 1 pound. I was just happy to hear that everything is right on schedule and he's looking good! Assuming I don't go into labor early (which we know doesn't happen for me!), I'll have one more ulstrasound on April 14th.
March 17, 2010
AI: Top 12 and the Stones
Last night the top 12 contestants took on the songbook of the Rolling Stones. After the song choices last night I thought I knew more Stones songs than I did. I only recognized four of the songs. Overall I enjoyed their performances but Siobhan was hands down the best of the night.
Below is my review in no particular order:
1. Michael Lynche: song - Miss You
I really liked his falsetto and think he is genuinely good performer but I am still not jumping up and down like the judges are with him. Overall though he's a solid contestant and he'll make it far in the competition.
2. Didi Benami: song - Play with Fire
It's no secret that I LOVE her. I absolutely love her voice, in fact she is my favorite vocally out of any contestant. I thought she sang with so much passion last night and I really enjoyed it. I do like her better with her guitar though!
3. Casey James: song - All Over Now
Seriously?! What am I missing here with this guy. I just cannot jump on the Casey bandwagon. I said out loud while watching that I couldn't understand what the big deal was with him, when the Doc looked up from the laptop and said "It's because he's 'pretty'." Um, well not in my opinion. I did like the bluesy arrangement, and there is no doubt that he can sing well, I am just not excited about him. He'll be around for a while though.
4. Lacey Brown: song - Ruby Tuesday
I thought this was a good song choice for her. It was my favorite performance of hers. I really like her voice a lot, but she cannot compete with Siobhan, Crystal and Didi, in my opinion. It wasn't bad but nothing to write home about.
5. Andrew Garcia: song - Give Me Shelter
I actually liked this and disagreed with the judges. I think it was nice to see him really sing a song for a change that was different than trying to do another "Straight Up". He has a really great voice, I don't understand what is going on with him though that is keeping him from really standing out. I hope he sticks around another week because he has lot of potential.
6. Katie Stevens: song - Wild Horses
This was her best performance. It was a really good song choice which was important for her, because she hasn't done very well in that department. She is so young and while she can sing really well I just don't think she is quite there yet. She will be around another week but I don't see her going very far.
7. Tim Urban: song - Under My Thumb
I want to like him, he seems so likable, but he has the weakest vocals out of all the contestants in this competition. I didn't think the performance was as much a train wreck as Randy did, but when you compare it to the other performances of the night it was the weakest. I actually liked the vibe he was going for in the song (very Jason Mraz), but I also didn't know what the original version of the song sounded like so maybe that helped. I think his days are numbered.
8. Sibohan Magnus: song - Paint it Black
BEST PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT! She is just so awesome. I loved everything about that performance right down to her look. She is definitely one of my favorites and out of anyone in the competition I look forward to seeing her song choices the most.
9. Lee DeWyze: song - Beast of Burden
He is my favorite male contestant. I love him. Out of anyone, he is the one I would stop and listen to on the radio. He constantly chooses the right songs and he is getting better every week. He is his own worst enemy though because he looks so scared up on the stage. I hope he can come out of his shell quickly, although, Elliot Yamin was the same way and he made it to the top 3!
10. Paige Miles: song - Honkey Tonk Woman
Completely unforgettable and extremely lucky to be in the Top 12. She stole Lilly's spot and in my opinion, didn't prove to me that she should be there over her last night. She is another one who will not be around very long. Needless to say, I am not a fan.
11. Aaron Kelly: song - Angie
Somebody please tell me what I am missing here with this kid. I mean really. He sings the same "boy band" song every week and the judges are literally falling all over themselves to compliment his performances and song choices. His weird facial expressions make me want to vomit. This was probably my least favorite performance of the night, but I doubt he'll be voted off. No way is this kid better than Alex Lambert.
12: Crystal Bowersox: song - You Can't Always Get What You Want
I really enjoy her. She is definitely a talented singer and performer. I also really liked her rendition of the song. She is obviously not going anywhere!
My predictions for tonights bottom three:
1. Paige
2. Aaron (more of a wish than a likely to happen - Andrew could be here as well as Lacey)
3. Tim
Contestant most likely to sing their Swan Song and be sent packing:
While I would like for it to be Aaron, it's going to be Tim.
Below is my review in no particular order:
1. Michael Lynche: song - Miss You
I really liked his falsetto and think he is genuinely good performer but I am still not jumping up and down like the judges are with him. Overall though he's a solid contestant and he'll make it far in the competition.
2. Didi Benami: song - Play with Fire
It's no secret that I LOVE her. I absolutely love her voice, in fact she is my favorite vocally out of any contestant. I thought she sang with so much passion last night and I really enjoyed it. I do like her better with her guitar though!
3. Casey James: song - All Over Now
Seriously?! What am I missing here with this guy. I just cannot jump on the Casey bandwagon. I said out loud while watching that I couldn't understand what the big deal was with him, when the Doc looked up from the laptop and said "It's because he's 'pretty'." Um, well not in my opinion. I did like the bluesy arrangement, and there is no doubt that he can sing well, I am just not excited about him. He'll be around for a while though.
4. Lacey Brown: song - Ruby Tuesday
I thought this was a good song choice for her. It was my favorite performance of hers. I really like her voice a lot, but she cannot compete with Siobhan, Crystal and Didi, in my opinion. It wasn't bad but nothing to write home about.
5. Andrew Garcia: song - Give Me Shelter
I actually liked this and disagreed with the judges. I think it was nice to see him really sing a song for a change that was different than trying to do another "Straight Up". He has a really great voice, I don't understand what is going on with him though that is keeping him from really standing out. I hope he sticks around another week because he has lot of potential.
6. Katie Stevens: song - Wild Horses
This was her best performance. It was a really good song choice which was important for her, because she hasn't done very well in that department. She is so young and while she can sing really well I just don't think she is quite there yet. She will be around another week but I don't see her going very far.
7. Tim Urban: song - Under My Thumb
I want to like him, he seems so likable, but he has the weakest vocals out of all the contestants in this competition. I didn't think the performance was as much a train wreck as Randy did, but when you compare it to the other performances of the night it was the weakest. I actually liked the vibe he was going for in the song (very Jason Mraz), but I also didn't know what the original version of the song sounded like so maybe that helped. I think his days are numbered.
8. Sibohan Magnus: song - Paint it Black
BEST PERFORMANCE OF THE NIGHT! She is just so awesome. I loved everything about that performance right down to her look. She is definitely one of my favorites and out of anyone in the competition I look forward to seeing her song choices the most.
9. Lee DeWyze: song - Beast of Burden
He is my favorite male contestant. I love him. Out of anyone, he is the one I would stop and listen to on the radio. He constantly chooses the right songs and he is getting better every week. He is his own worst enemy though because he looks so scared up on the stage. I hope he can come out of his shell quickly, although, Elliot Yamin was the same way and he made it to the top 3!
10. Paige Miles: song - Honkey Tonk Woman
Completely unforgettable and extremely lucky to be in the Top 12. She stole Lilly's spot and in my opinion, didn't prove to me that she should be there over her last night. She is another one who will not be around very long. Needless to say, I am not a fan.
11. Aaron Kelly: song - Angie
Somebody please tell me what I am missing here with this kid. I mean really. He sings the same "boy band" song every week and the judges are literally falling all over themselves to compliment his performances and song choices. His weird facial expressions make me want to vomit. This was probably my least favorite performance of the night, but I doubt he'll be voted off. No way is this kid better than Alex Lambert.
12: Crystal Bowersox: song - You Can't Always Get What You Want
I really enjoy her. She is definitely a talented singer and performer. I also really liked her rendition of the song. She is obviously not going anywhere!
My predictions for tonights bottom three:
1. Paige
2. Aaron (more of a wish than a likely to happen - Andrew could be here as well as Lacey)
3. Tim
Contestant most likely to sing their Swan Song and be sent packing:
While I would like for it to be Aaron, it's going to be Tim.
March 12, 2010
42 Days to Go: Place Your Bets!
Today I am 34 weeks pregnant. That means I have 6 weeks (or 42 days) to go before the "big day". I started a fun pool on a free website and thought it would be fun for people to guess when Evan's birthday will be, how much he'll weigh, his length and time of birth. Obviously Evan is a boy so that is a given!
How to Play:
Click on the ExpectNet box in the top right hand corner and it will bring you to the game. Fill in your answers and submit. You DO NOT need to register with the website to play, however your answers will be final! If you want the option to change your guesses then you would need to register, but it is a free site. Eventually once it gets closer to go time I will close the game so no more guesses and or changes can be made. I'll give some warning, so if you want to wait until the last minute to place your bet you may do so!
The game is based on a point system and once Evan is here I will plug in the results. The program will then calculate the winner who will win a nice shiny nickel and bragging rights!
Good Luck everyone!!
Helpful Hints for Placing your Guess:
David was 8lbs 2oz, 20 inches long born at 7:25am. We were induced on our due date (with no signs of labor going on its own anytime soon!) and he was born the next morning.
Shaun was 7lbs 15oz, 21 inches long born at 6:21pm. He was ELEVEN days past his due date before our induction.
They do say all bets are off with baby number three...but based on my history I have a feeling Evan might be fashionably late as his brothers were! But you never know!
How to Play:
Click on the ExpectNet box in the top right hand corner and it will bring you to the game. Fill in your answers and submit. You DO NOT need to register with the website to play, however your answers will be final! If you want the option to change your guesses then you would need to register, but it is a free site. Eventually once it gets closer to go time I will close the game so no more guesses and or changes can be made. I'll give some warning, so if you want to wait until the last minute to place your bet you may do so!
The game is based on a point system and once Evan is here I will plug in the results. The program will then calculate the winner who will win a nice shiny nickel and bragging rights!
Good Luck everyone!!
Helpful Hints for Placing your Guess:
David was 8lbs 2oz, 20 inches long born at 7:25am. We were induced on our due date (with no signs of labor going on its own anytime soon!) and he was born the next morning.
Shaun was 7lbs 15oz, 21 inches long born at 6:21pm. He was ELEVEN days past his due date before our induction.
They do say all bets are off with baby number three...but based on my history I have a feeling Evan might be fashionably late as his brothers were! But you never know!
March 11, 2010
AI: Guys Round 3
The performances last night were, again on the slow side, but overall I enjoyed them all. I may find myself in the minority on my review today but it is what it is!
My Top Three: Should sail on through to the top 12
1. Lee Dewyze: His nerves are still there but this week he came out with a ton more confidence and it showed. Out of all the guys he is my favorite. I think with more confidence he can be really great. I have a strong dislike for the song he chose (Fireflies), but he made me like it. Even The Doc (who never watches Idol with me), looked up from the laptop and agreed with me that it was better than the original. He went on to add, though, that it wasn't saying much. Of course I disagree!
2. Michael Lynche: I thought his song was really good, but it's not the music genre I enjoy listening to, so I wasn't jumping out of my seat like the judges. Honestly, while it was one of the best for the guys, there are about four girls that I think have done much better performances that haven't seen the love that this guy got last night. I didn't get it, I mean, Kara crying?! Are you kidding me?! It was a bit much for me.
3. Alex Lambert: I want to put Andrew here (because I really like him) but I can't with good conscience, so Alex gets my number three spot. He is by far the most improved and has one of the better voices, but he needs to have more emotion when he sings. Like I have said before, he is very reminiscent of Elliot Yamin. I still can't help but laugh at Ellen's banana references.
The Weakest Links: The most likely to sing their swan song tonight
1. Aaron Kelly: Um wow. Last week I FF his performance, this week I watched every painful second. No strike that, I started ranting to the Doc about how much I can't stand this kid during his performance. I feel bad saying that (because he is so young) but I just don't like him much and honestly never have. He is another one whose praise from the judges has me scratching my head. If by some chance he squeaks by (because all the little old ladies and teeny boppers vote for him), he won't make it far.
2. Tim Urban: He was good last night, probably the best he has ever been but he is not even in the same league as the other guys and that is why he makes my bottom three. It's too bad because he really seems like a genuine guy.
3. Todrick Hall/Andrew Garcia: It's a tie and I couldn't decide which one to put here. I think they are both equally at risk to go home. Personally, I like Andrew better. I also didn't think his version of Genie in a Bottle was as much a train wreck as the judges thought. I also think they are being unfair to him saying he peaked early, but again I like the guy so I am know I am being a little biased. Todrick gave his best performance of the three rounds but I don't know if is enough to save him. If he does make it he's another one who will be out in the early weeks.
My predictions for the four who sadly won't make the top 12:
1. Aaron Kelly
2. Tim Urban
1. Paige Miles
2. Katie Stevens
My Top Three: Should sail on through to the top 12
1. Lee Dewyze: His nerves are still there but this week he came out with a ton more confidence and it showed. Out of all the guys he is my favorite. I think with more confidence he can be really great. I have a strong dislike for the song he chose (Fireflies), but he made me like it. Even The Doc (who never watches Idol with me), looked up from the laptop and agreed with me that it was better than the original. He went on to add, though, that it wasn't saying much. Of course I disagree!
2. Michael Lynche: I thought his song was really good, but it's not the music genre I enjoy listening to, so I wasn't jumping out of my seat like the judges. Honestly, while it was one of the best for the guys, there are about four girls that I think have done much better performances that haven't seen the love that this guy got last night. I didn't get it, I mean, Kara crying?! Are you kidding me?! It was a bit much for me.
3. Alex Lambert: I want to put Andrew here (because I really like him) but I can't with good conscience, so Alex gets my number three spot. He is by far the most improved and has one of the better voices, but he needs to have more emotion when he sings. Like I have said before, he is very reminiscent of Elliot Yamin. I still can't help but laugh at Ellen's banana references.
The Weakest Links: The most likely to sing their swan song tonight
1. Aaron Kelly: Um wow. Last week I FF his performance, this week I watched every painful second. No strike that, I started ranting to the Doc about how much I can't stand this kid during his performance. I feel bad saying that (because he is so young) but I just don't like him much and honestly never have. He is another one whose praise from the judges has me scratching my head. If by some chance he squeaks by (because all the little old ladies and teeny boppers vote for him), he won't make it far.
2. Tim Urban: He was good last night, probably the best he has ever been but he is not even in the same league as the other guys and that is why he makes my bottom three. It's too bad because he really seems like a genuine guy.
3. Todrick Hall/Andrew Garcia: It's a tie and I couldn't decide which one to put here. I think they are both equally at risk to go home. Personally, I like Andrew better. I also didn't think his version of Genie in a Bottle was as much a train wreck as the judges thought. I also think they are being unfair to him saying he peaked early, but again I like the guy so I am know I am being a little biased. Todrick gave his best performance of the three rounds but I don't know if is enough to save him. If he does make it he's another one who will be out in the early weeks.
My predictions for the four who sadly won't make the top 12:
1. Aaron Kelly
2. Tim Urban
1. Paige Miles
2. Katie Stevens
March 10, 2010
AI: Girls Round 3
I really enjoyed last nights show. Songs were a tad on the slow side but I thought for the most part everyone sang really well.
My Top Three: I can't see how these ladies don't make the top 12.
1. Didi Benami: I thought her acoustic version of Rhiannon was amazing! Out of all the contestants, her voice is one of my favorites. So as long as she doesn't pick songs like "Lean On Me" in the future she could go far.
2. Siobhan Magnus: This girl can sing. She has been so fascinating to me since the first week. I can't wait to see how she does once they introduce theme nights into the mix.
3. Crystal Bowersox: She is awesome. Hands down one of the best of everyone. I really loved her performance last night. I also look forward seeing how she does with themes.
Weakest Links: And most likely to be packing their bags
1. Paige Miles: As I said in the first round, she is so forgettable to me. I know the judges have commented on how she has the best vocals in the group but I never thought that. She was by far my least favorite of the night. Everything about her performance just sounded off to me. I don't see her in the top 12 and never did from the beginning.
2. Katie Stevens: I hate putting her here, but that was not a good choice for her. She also sounded a little off, which isn't like her. I like her voice and she has great stage presence for someone so young but she doesn't quite know who she is yet. So if she does happen to sneak by and make it to the top 12 she won't make it far.
3. Katelyn Epperly: What a let down for me from last week. She went from doing something amazing to doing something blah. She can really sing too so I don't know what she was thinking on that song choice.
My Top Three: I can't see how these ladies don't make the top 12.
1. Didi Benami: I thought her acoustic version of Rhiannon was amazing! Out of all the contestants, her voice is one of my favorites. So as long as she doesn't pick songs like "Lean On Me" in the future she could go far.
2. Siobhan Magnus: This girl can sing. She has been so fascinating to me since the first week. I can't wait to see how she does once they introduce theme nights into the mix.
3. Crystal Bowersox: She is awesome. Hands down one of the best of everyone. I really loved her performance last night. I also look forward seeing how she does with themes.
Weakest Links: And most likely to be packing their bags
1. Paige Miles: As I said in the first round, she is so forgettable to me. I know the judges have commented on how she has the best vocals in the group but I never thought that. She was by far my least favorite of the night. Everything about her performance just sounded off to me. I don't see her in the top 12 and never did from the beginning.
2. Katie Stevens: I hate putting her here, but that was not a good choice for her. She also sounded a little off, which isn't like her. I like her voice and she has great stage presence for someone so young but she doesn't quite know who she is yet. So if she does happen to sneak by and make it to the top 12 she won't make it far.
3. Katelyn Epperly: What a let down for me from last week. She went from doing something amazing to doing something blah. She can really sing too so I don't know what she was thinking on that song choice.
March 8, 2010
33-1/2 Weeks: Closer But Not Close Enough
I swear there is only ONE baby in there! It's hard to tell people I still have 6.5 more weeks of this because I am SO HUGE! They are polite enough to not say anything but you can tell by the shocked look on their faces!
I cannot even begin to tell you how ready I am to be done. I am so completely over this pregnancy. It's has been much harder being a full time Mommy AND being pregnant than it was to sit in an office for 40 hours a week (as I did with my previous two pregnancies).
I think it's pretty obvious how tired I have been just from looking at the picture. I blame the anemia and a 21 month old named Shaun who never stops moving. I also haven't been able to get very comfortable at night. And then, when I do finally get to sleep, my mind doesn't seem to shut off and so I have been having some really bizarre dreams.
Rumor has it that it's Mother Natures way of preparing you for the "sleepless" nights that come with having a newborn...well news flash Mother Nature...this is not my first rodeo and I remember what sleepless nights are like and therefore do not need to be "prepared". If it is all the same to you, I just assume get my sleep now! Thanks!
March 4, 2010
AI: Girls Round 2
Last night the girls sang and I was so happy to see that Crystal was released from the hospital to preform. Season 9 NEEDS her! I have to say that I enjoyed last night. There were some train wrecks (*cough* Haley) and some really bad song choices (*cough* Didi) but overall it was really great.
My Top 3:
1. Siobhan Magnus: She was hands down my favorite of the night. I think it's because her song was upbeat and she totally nailed that note. I want to see more of her. I think she is super quirky and as Simon says, "very interesting".
2. Crystal Bowersox: From the beginning she has been one of my favorites. I love the tone of her voice and I think she is an amazing performer. She is definitely one of the front runners.
3. Lilly Scott: Similar to Crystal, she has a very unique style and I like watching her. I agree with the judges when they say she is great because she knows the type of artist she wants to be.
Honorable Mention:
I am giving an honorable mention to Katlyn Epperly strictly because I really liked her performance of Coldplay last night. Yes it was slow, but everything else about it was amazing. If she upped the tempo just a touch, it would have been my number one.
The Weakest Links:
1. Haley Vaughn: That was a train wreck, and every painful, awkward second of that song I spent feeling bad for her.
2. Lacey Brown: While her performance was a vast improvement over last weeks, and I love her voice, it just can't compare to the other ladies in this competition right now. I do not see her in the top 12.
3. Michelle Delamor: The judges seemed to like her. I just didn't. I know part of it was song choice. That song makes me throw up in my mouth every time I hear it regardless of who is doing the singing and what the arrangement sounds like. I don't think she'll go this week but she doesn't get me all fired up wanting to vote for her so that is why she makes it in my bottom three.
So my predictions for who is going home tonight (even though last week I was 1 for 4) are:
1. Jermaine Sellers
2. John Park
1. Haley Vaughn
2. Lacey Brown
Let's see how wrong I am tonight! I'll read about it tomorrow morning.
My Top 3:
1. Siobhan Magnus: She was hands down my favorite of the night. I think it's because her song was upbeat and she totally nailed that note. I want to see more of her. I think she is super quirky and as Simon says, "very interesting".
2. Crystal Bowersox: From the beginning she has been one of my favorites. I love the tone of her voice and I think she is an amazing performer. She is definitely one of the front runners.
3. Lilly Scott: Similar to Crystal, she has a very unique style and I like watching her. I agree with the judges when they say she is great because she knows the type of artist she wants to be.
Honorable Mention:
I am giving an honorable mention to Katlyn Epperly strictly because I really liked her performance of Coldplay last night. Yes it was slow, but everything else about it was amazing. If she upped the tempo just a touch, it would have been my number one.
The Weakest Links:
1. Haley Vaughn: That was a train wreck, and every painful, awkward second of that song I spent feeling bad for her.
2. Lacey Brown: While her performance was a vast improvement over last weeks, and I love her voice, it just can't compare to the other ladies in this competition right now. I do not see her in the top 12.
3. Michelle Delamor: The judges seemed to like her. I just didn't. I know part of it was song choice. That song makes me throw up in my mouth every time I hear it regardless of who is doing the singing and what the arrangement sounds like. I don't think she'll go this week but she doesn't get me all fired up wanting to vote for her so that is why she makes it in my bottom three.
So my predictions for who is going home tonight (even though last week I was 1 for 4) are:
1. Jermaine Sellers
2. John Park
1. Haley Vaughn
2. Lacey Brown
Let's see how wrong I am tonight! I'll read about it tomorrow morning.
March 3, 2010
AI: Guys Round 2
I have to admit that I was shocked to read (yes read...I can't stand the result show and never watch) who was voted out last week. So it won't surprise you to see that the same lousy singers in my bottom three last week are going to be there this week too!
My top 3:
1. Lee Dewyze: I think I love him. He needs to be a little less deer in the head lights but his voice is just amazing! He actually reminds me a lot like Elliot Yamin (he was in the top three and he always had that deer in the headlights, terrified, nervous look). Best of the night, hands down!
2. Andrew Garcia: I am still a fan, though I agree with the judges that he may be going backwards. I liked last weeks song much better but his voice is awesome and so if he can just step it up he'll be really great.
3. Alex "The Mullet" Lambert: So he gets the award for most improved and I laughed out loud when Ellen used her "banana" analogy again. I really enjoyed him even though I am still having a hard time getting past the mullet.
The Weakest Links:
1. Jermaine Sellers: All I can say is OH. MY. LORD. I am still scratching my head over how he managed to make it to the next round. It was painful (again). I mean seriously, am I missing something with this guy?
2. Aaron Kelly: Yeah...I said it. OK I get it, he is 16 and yes he can sing, but holy crap, did his Mom pick out that song? I mean really. I couldn't even sit through it. It was awful. I was shocked that the judges liked it. Within 20 seconds I was done. That was the first time since watching this show that I actually used the FF button on my DVR during a performance. That was just too much for me. I couldn't stand the cheese factor.
3. John Park: He reminds me of Anoop (from last year) minus the charm and charisma. Because he lacks the charisma that Anoop had he simply just bores me to tears.
My top 3:
1. Lee Dewyze: I think I love him. He needs to be a little less deer in the head lights but his voice is just amazing! He actually reminds me a lot like Elliot Yamin (he was in the top three and he always had that deer in the headlights, terrified, nervous look). Best of the night, hands down!
2. Andrew Garcia: I am still a fan, though I agree with the judges that he may be going backwards. I liked last weeks song much better but his voice is awesome and so if he can just step it up he'll be really great.
3. Alex "The Mullet" Lambert: So he gets the award for most improved and I laughed out loud when Ellen used her "banana" analogy again. I really enjoyed him even though I am still having a hard time getting past the mullet.
The Weakest Links:
1. Jermaine Sellers: All I can say is OH. MY. LORD. I am still scratching my head over how he managed to make it to the next round. It was painful (again). I mean seriously, am I missing something with this guy?
2. Aaron Kelly: Yeah...I said it. OK I get it, he is 16 and yes he can sing, but holy crap, did his Mom pick out that song? I mean really. I couldn't even sit through it. It was awful. I was shocked that the judges liked it. Within 20 seconds I was done. That was the first time since watching this show that I actually used the FF button on my DVR during a performance. That was just too much for me. I couldn't stand the cheese factor.
3. John Park: He reminds me of Anoop (from last year) minus the charm and charisma. Because he lacks the charisma that Anoop had he simply just bores me to tears.
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