March 4, 2010

AI: Girls Round 2

Last night the girls sang and I was so happy to see that Crystal was released from the hospital to preform. Season 9 NEEDS her! I have to say that I enjoyed last night. There were some train wrecks (*cough* Haley) and some really bad song choices (*cough* Didi) but overall it was really great.

My Top 3:

1. Siobhan Magnus: She was hands down my favorite of the night. I think it's because her song was upbeat and she totally nailed that note. I want to see more of her. I think she is super quirky and as Simon says, "very interesting".

2. Crystal Bowersox: From the beginning she has been one of my favorites. I love the tone of her voice and I think she is an amazing performer. She is definitely one of the front runners.

3. Lilly Scott: Similar to Crystal, she has a very unique style and I like watching her. I agree with the judges when they say she is great because she knows the type of artist she wants to be.

Honorable Mention:
I am giving an honorable mention to Katlyn Epperly strictly because I really liked her performance of Coldplay last night. Yes it was slow, but everything else about it was amazing. If she upped the tempo just a touch, it would have been my number one.

The Weakest Links:

1. Haley Vaughn: That was a train wreck, and every painful, awkward second of that song I spent feeling bad for her.

2. Lacey Brown: While her performance was a vast improvement over last weeks, and I love her voice, it just can't compare to the other ladies in this competition right now. I do not see her in the top 12.

3. Michelle Delamor: The judges seemed to like her. I just didn't. I know part of it was song choice. That song makes me throw up in my mouth every time I hear it regardless of who is doing the singing and what the arrangement sounds like. I don't think she'll go this week but she doesn't get me all fired up wanting to vote for her so that is why she makes it in my bottom three.

So my predictions for who is going home tonight (even though last week I was 1 for 4) are:

1. Jermaine Sellers
2. John Park

1. Haley Vaughn
2. Lacey Brown

Let's see how wrong I am tonight! I'll read about it tomorrow morning.

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