March 8, 2010

33-1/2 Weeks: Closer But Not Close Enough

Holy HUGE Belly Batman!!

I swear there is only ONE baby in there! It's hard to tell people I still have 6.5 more weeks of this because I am SO HUGE! They are polite enough to not say anything but you can tell by the shocked look on their faces!

I cannot even begin to tell you how ready I am to be done. I am so completely over this pregnancy. It's has been much harder being a full time Mommy AND being pregnant than it was to sit in an office for 40 hours a week (as I did with my previous two pregnancies).

I think it's pretty obvious how tired I have been just from looking at the picture. I blame the anemia and a 21 month old named Shaun who never stops moving. I also haven't been able to get very comfortable at night. And then, when I do finally get to sleep, my mind doesn't seem to shut off and so I have been having some really bizarre dreams.

Rumor has it that it's Mother Natures way of preparing you for the "sleepless" nights that come with having a newborn...well news flash Mother Nature...this is not my first rodeo and I remember what sleepless nights are like and therefore do not need to be "prepared". If it is all the same to you, I just assume get my sleep now! Thanks!

1 comment:

krystal said...

you're so cute!!!