March 21, 2010

35 Weeks + Hotel Pool = BLISS!

On Thursday after we picked David up from school we headed south to Long Island to visit with G.G. and some of the Doc's extended family. We were able to find a hotel nearby G.G. that had an indoor pool and the boys had a blast being able to go swimming each night.

Since I am almost 9 months pregnant, and there was no way I was going to fit in my regular bathing suit, I had to purchase a maternity one. I wasn't very thrilled about it but I also knew the pool would feel lovely, so I sucked it up!

Turns out it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, and what better excuse to look fat in a bathing suit than to have a GIANT BABY BELLY! You can see the top to the bathing suit in the picture on the right.

Well I was right about the pool. It was very nice. It was a small pool but it was the perfect size for the boys and it felt nice to be weightless for a change! All the walking around we did this weekend did a number on my ankles (er...I mean CANKLES!)

It is hard to believe that we have 5 weeks left, and I have to be honest, my fingers are crossed that Evan decides to arrive at least on time. So don't forget to place your bet in the baby pool. Remember a nice shiny nickel and (most importantly) bragging rights are at stake!

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