February 7, 2005

Commercial Disaster

Was it just me or were this years Superbowl commericals really LAME?
There were maybe two commercials the whole night that made me laugh out loud.

(1) The Ameriquest Commerical with the boyfriend cooking dinner and the cat spilling the sauce - girlfriend enters to boyfriend holding cat with a knife in his hand. Moral of the story - Don't judge too quickly.
(2) The Careerbuilder.com commericals were also good especially the one with the whoopi cushion and all the monkey's laughing.

And oh my god - What happened to Budweiser??!! They're supposed to be the king of beers - they used to make good commercials - what's the deal with all the serious crap. Anheuser-Busch you get the award for lamest commercials of all time. Even the quasi-funny Bud-light commercials can't make up for it. Sorry you lose.

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