February 23, 2005

Poor Paris

So someone was able to hack into Paris Hilton's T-Mobile phone and get all her personal information. I would love that number so I can call her and tell her how sad her life is. I can't believe people actually watch her show. I watch a lot of FOX programs so I am subjected to commercials that feature her new show The Simple Life: Interns. It is sad commentary on the state of our country that we put two girls on a pedestal that have no skills, that are totally incompetent at everything they do and the only reason that natural selection hasn't gotten them is their Daddy's are rich.

1 comment:

Jazell said...

I understand where you're coming from...but here is what I always wonder about celebrities: Whenever I hear a story about or watch a movie with a particular actor or celebrity, I wonder to myself what the person is TRULY like. The truth is, maybe Paris is actually a brilliant person and is just acting extremely ditzy. I understand this can be hard to imagine and quiet possibly not true, but I think it is always good to consider it a possibility. I have met a number of truly intelligent people that spend much of their time partying and surrounding themselves with materialistic things. I wouldnt agree with them if they decided to act ditzy when they truly arent, but they may have personal issues/problems causing them to do so. So basically, I peronally enjoy considering two possibilies for Paris: first, that maybe she is a complete idiot and should just be shot for her uselessness, or two, that she is somewhat intelligent and simply knows what to sells and how to market that (not that I agree with a desicion to market such an image of a female). My guess is that Paris is somewhere in between those two options.

It is saddening though, regardless of who Paris truly is, that the media has been able to market this image of her so profitably. But I have to admit, and guess that you would too, that I have watched a couple of the episodes from her series. The shock factor definitely sells.