February 3, 2005

A Little Light Humor!

The second installment from my NURSES calendar from work: Paraphrased

A husband and wife go to the doctor's office. They are there for the wife to get checked out. After the doctor finished his examination the couple remained in the office. A nurse went in to see what was the matter and noticed the husband's confused look.

"What's wrong?" asked the nurse.
"Well, I don't think the doctor know's what he's talking about," the husband said.
"Oh really?" replied the nurse
"Yeah, he said my wife as acute angina. And I've seen it!"

Get it, 'acute angina'...HAHAHAHAHAHA...HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! That is a knee slapper...that is some funny stuff in my nurses calendar.

-Taken from Andrews McMeel Publishing – Nurses Calendar

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